It is beyond me that highly educated people belief in the globe lie when it is impossible to defend.

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Thank you for making Biblical cosmology so obviously logical! It's just difficult for most to overcome lifelong indoctrination of the heliocentric model. Love your posts!

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My pleasure! In Chrsist, Greg

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Hi Greg

You may like my article titled: we breathe air not oxygen

I break a few paradigms.

Relevant to this article,

I have a new take on water/air and pressure.

Water is an element.

Water and air are the same element in different forms.

Air is bubbles that contain some moisture, compressible.

Water is full bubbles or drops, not compressible.

Air and water interchange depending on energy input/output.

Water with added energy results in bubbles leaving to become air. Watch as you pour water into a glass.

Air losing energy becomes water. Ice cold glass of water sitting in the sun will reduce air to drops of condensation. A cold front brings rain.

Oceans create the air we breathe. Each wave crest is white with bubbles as they leave and ascend into the air.

Pressure is about the amount of moisture in air bubbles.

Cold air holds the least moisture. As we ascend the temperature reduces. This reduces the moisture holding capacity of the air bubbles.

The ‘molecules’ are really the bubbles. I suggest we can throw out the atomic theory because all/everything is contained in bubbles. A bubble is the smallest particle.

Planes fly at cruising altitude because combustion engines do better with dryer air. Wet logs vs dry logs.

Lungs struggle at altitude because it’s more work for them to extract moisture from the air. The lungs are responsible for rehydrating the red blood cells. Altitude sickness is another name for dehydration or hyponatremia.

I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen is a man made product of air NOT a constituent of air. Oxygen is made by stripping air of water. Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination. Oxygen toxicity is due to its ability to dehydrate. Reactive Oxygen Species ROS is a term that describes the damage from dehydration. Oxygen is not found in air. Air is measured by its moisture or humidity. Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness. The two can not cohabitat. This is why oxygen is always contained before use.

Read the Material safety data sheets for inhalation of oxygen and nitrogen. Both feature unconsciousness and not breathing. There are no experiments with people inside a room that has 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. Why? Because the extremely dry gases will cause death.

A vacuum is a name for the extraction of moisture. As moisture is lowered the pressure drops.

There is no escape from water/air. I liken it to God’s hands.

The satanists hide the true nature of water because they hate God/good.

Mammalian physiology runs on salt plus water. Healing begins with hydration. All dis-ease begins with dehydration.

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Isn’t our earth, fully situated in water yet enclosed in its own space, similar to our prenatal journey while in our Mother’s womb?

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