Rockets can not penetrate the firmament. Also, we are not on a spinning ball...

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Thank You!! No moon landing. Earth is flat and still.

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Pride comes before a fall.

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please please PLEASE, I am a flat earth Biblical believer but you must remove a picture and text from this page that discredits you. The picture of neil armstrong stepping onto the moon and you saying who took that???? (like it was some trump card) that is buzz aldrin (credit neil armstrong) DO YOUR RESEARCH DILIGENTLY AND GIVE OUR ENEMIES NO FOOT HOLD. i cannot use your site now to send the link to a searching balle arth believer, he will spot this in no time

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I have never empirically verified any of this either way, nor has anyone else in the world, but I will remove the image and commentary so you feel better about sharing the Substack. In Christ, Greg

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Brilliant video. Stay sceptical everyone!

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People whiplash from “man walked on the moon!” to “the earth is flat!” Can everyone just calm the fuck down and take 10 deep breaths and a month long walk in the woods before trying to use word magic to cast us all into a stupor?

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