The Disembodied Holy Spirit Impregnated The Virgin Mary:
Just because we do not absolutely know the clear sexual mechanism by which Sammael was able to defile Eve, does not mean it is an irrelevant story to understanding how The Fall occurred. After all, The Holy Spirit impregnated The Virgin Mary. Does anyone really know exactly how that occurred? What was the sexual mechanism for a spirit to impregnate a human in that situation? Nobody knows for certain. It is taken on Faith that it was able to occur.
Additionally, it is an interesting “contradiction” to say that angels are sexless and then to say that the “Sons of God” were fallen angels who procreated with human females. However, while angels are spiritual beings (Hebrews 1:14), they can appear in human, physical form, as Christ did in Mark 16:5.
Mark 16 5:
“As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here”. --Mark 16 5
The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to have sex with the two angels who were with Lot (Genesis 19:1-5). It is plausible that angels are capable of taking on human form, even to the point of replicating human sexuality and possibly even reproduction. Why do the fallen angels not do this more often? It seems that God imprisoned the fallen angels who committed this evil sin, so that the other fallen angels would not do the same (as described in Jude 6). Earlier Hebrew interpreters and apocryphal and pseudepigraphal writings are unanimous in holding to the view that fallen angels are the “Sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4. This by no means closes the debate. However, the view that Genesis 6:1-4 involves fallen angels mating with human females has a strong contextual, grammatical, and historical basis.
> fallen angels are the “Sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4. This by no means closes the debate. However, the view that Genesis 6:1-4 involves fallen angels mating with human females has a strong contextual, grammatical, and historical basis.
Again, I would point to my 3 part series, because you need the first piece to "get" the second piece, which finally brings the whole story together in the third part. They are very short, and each makes one, strong, hard to ignore point.
The bottom line is that the Gen 6 "sons of God" where NOT spirit crossbreeds, but rather, one that you never saw coming, because the truth has been so thorough hidden from us, EXACTLY as Jesus predicted would happen.
> The Disembodied Holy Spirit Impregnated The Virgin Mary:
Once again, 100% IMPOSSIBLE according to the words of Jesus:
Flesh begets flesh and spirit begets spirit. Jn 3.6
Let's take a closer look to find exactly WHO provided the male seed that began the body of that the spirit of Jesus would soon inhabit.
IF the Holy Spirit delivered a seed from Jesus' Father, or any other heavenly spirit being, then Jesus could never be known as A MAN... No, His body would have been that of a god also, and He could NEVER CLAIM to be 100% fully man and 100% fully God. This would have made Him fully God in His spirit still, but only 50% human in His flesh.
When we strip away the Paul doctrine of Docitism - that Jesus DID NOT have a real, human body but rather THE APPEARANCE of a human - then we can begin to see more clearly through that haze.
Jesus LOOKED EXACTLY like his siblings because they ALL had the SAME mother AND father.
The Spirit who visited Mary, and Joseph ASKED PERMISSION from Joseph to LIFT one of his life seeds from his body and insert it into the waiting fertile egg. They both agreed.
AND THEN when you take a deep dive into Joseph, you will find that he was the only human being on earth who was qualified for this most important of tasks:
Two MASSIVE problems for this belief system...
Genesis everything is to reproduce AFTER IT'S OWN KIND - crossbreeding is NOT POSSIBLE.
Secondly, and most important the words of Jesus could not be more clear:
Flesh begets flesh and spirit begets spirit. Jn 3.6
Flesh and spirit CAN NOT MATE!!!!!
Here is a short 3 part series that more accurately lays out the first few books of Genesis so that it is fully Biblical and it MAKES SENSE:
This Substack should help you:
The Disembodied Holy Spirit Impregnated The Virgin Mary:
Just because we do not absolutely know the clear sexual mechanism by which Sammael was able to defile Eve, does not mean it is an irrelevant story to understanding how The Fall occurred. After all, The Holy Spirit impregnated The Virgin Mary. Does anyone really know exactly how that occurred? What was the sexual mechanism for a spirit to impregnate a human in that situation? Nobody knows for certain. It is taken on Faith that it was able to occur.
Additionally, it is an interesting “contradiction” to say that angels are sexless and then to say that the “Sons of God” were fallen angels who procreated with human females. However, while angels are spiritual beings (Hebrews 1:14), they can appear in human, physical form, as Christ did in Mark 16:5.
Mark 16 5:
“As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here”. --Mark 16 5
The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to have sex with the two angels who were with Lot (Genesis 19:1-5). It is plausible that angels are capable of taking on human form, even to the point of replicating human sexuality and possibly even reproduction. Why do the fallen angels not do this more often? It seems that God imprisoned the fallen angels who committed this evil sin, so that the other fallen angels would not do the same (as described in Jude 6). Earlier Hebrew interpreters and apocryphal and pseudepigraphal writings are unanimous in holding to the view that fallen angels are the “Sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4. This by no means closes the debate. However, the view that Genesis 6:1-4 involves fallen angels mating with human females has a strong contextual, grammatical, and historical basis.
> fallen angels are the “Sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4. This by no means closes the debate. However, the view that Genesis 6:1-4 involves fallen angels mating with human females has a strong contextual, grammatical, and historical basis.
Again, I would point to my 3 part series, because you need the first piece to "get" the second piece, which finally brings the whole story together in the third part. They are very short, and each makes one, strong, hard to ignore point.
The bottom line is that the Gen 6 "sons of God" where NOT spirit crossbreeds, but rather, one that you never saw coming, because the truth has been so thorough hidden from us, EXACTLY as Jesus predicted would happen.
Part 1:
> The Disembodied Holy Spirit Impregnated The Virgin Mary:
Once again, 100% IMPOSSIBLE according to the words of Jesus:
Flesh begets flesh and spirit begets spirit. Jn 3.6
Let's take a closer look to find exactly WHO provided the male seed that began the body of that the spirit of Jesus would soon inhabit.
IF the Holy Spirit delivered a seed from Jesus' Father, or any other heavenly spirit being, then Jesus could never be known as A MAN... No, His body would have been that of a god also, and He could NEVER CLAIM to be 100% fully man and 100% fully God. This would have made Him fully God in His spirit still, but only 50% human in His flesh.
When we strip away the Paul doctrine of Docitism - that Jesus DID NOT have a real, human body but rather THE APPEARANCE of a human - then we can begin to see more clearly through that haze.
Jesus LOOKED EXACTLY like his siblings because they ALL had the SAME mother AND father.
The Spirit who visited Mary, and Joseph ASKED PERMISSION from Joseph to LIFT one of his life seeds from his body and insert it into the waiting fertile egg. They both agreed.
You can read more here:
AND THEN when you take a deep dive into Joseph, you will find that he was the only human being on earth who was qualified for this most important of tasks: