Many medical professionals are questioning the concept of contagion all together, you can look up the letter entitled “Settling the Virus Debate” on Google which in an open letter written by numerous medical professionals and posted by Dr Sam Bailey. I wanted to share some research links/pubmed IDS regarding the process of isolation, and hopefully you can analyze the legitimacy of this process.

In order to test a so-called “virus” which isn’t alive they must use a live medium, such as an organ, because these alleged viral particles are not alive.

During the testing process, the scientists create an environment with a large amount of exosomes. Exosomes are essentially garbage collectors which butt out from our cells in order to carry out dead cellular matter. They are also referred to as “extracellular vesicles (EVs)”. Various things can change the level of exosomes which are affected by various environmental toxins (PMC5837599), aging (PMC8393989), and/or lifestyle, but they also carry out many other tasks like lipid transport (PMC4328748), managing inflammation, cell signaling, transporting proteins, metabolites and more. So when a person builds up too many toxins from various elements in the environment then eventually the body will remove the cellular matter which have been effected by these environmental events. This is why when we are feeling sick the body is secreting these exosomes out through various body fluids such as snot, sneezing, coughing, etc.

During the process of “vîrus isolation” they will use an organ to test the samples in, so that they have a live host. They take a sample of suspected viral materials, and they then add in fetal bovine serum (FSB) which is a significant source of exosomes. (PMC7952636) They then add in multiple toxic antibiotics (Antibiotics means anti-life, from the Greek “bios” meaning life) These drugs are chosen for specific toxicity to the organ they are working with. Once the FSB is added it contaminates the original sample to the point that they can’t separate it from the FSB (PMC4977539). They then add other medications such as “amphotericin B” with known high toxicity which would then cause the live medium they are working with to pump out more exosomes to pull out the toxic matter that was created by adding in the antibiotics & toxic amphotericin B[2].

So with that process in mind, there is research that shows they can’t separate so-called viruses from exosomes because they are so much alike in density and function. (PMC7291340, PMC4881422) So they will attempt to state they are two separate things, but given the fact that with all the technology they have at their disposal and they still have yet to isolation further than exosomes, it raises a lot of questions.

They are also not able to distinguish between the FSB and the original sample because they admit in research that this process contaminates the original sample. They have to create the environment through toxic means, to produce what they are looking for in the sample. If they did a control without the antibiotics and FSB, they wouldn’t get the same results. While it's easy to see why legitimate scientists are looking at exosomes and calling them viruses, by looking at the detox mechanisms and the ‘bystander effect’ which is mentioned in a number of radiation studies (33944671, 26488306, PMC9029583, PMC5344502) and making the assumptions that these exosomes are something viral without actually confirming person to person transmission. The bystander effect shows that radiation effecting one part of the body can effect completely different parts not directly exposed to the radiation, due to exosomes transporting the problems out of the body it seems that this is why it can effect other healthy cells. This is why I believe exosomes transport endocannabinoids (PMC4328748) because they are available to the cells to manage cells that have a reaction to various things being taken out of the body and other problems that take place in cells. Similar to how an allergy in one part of the body can effect the rest of the body such as in the case with hives or other allergies. (PMC7117871, PMC5131095)

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Bystander effect has been shown in radiation studies, which involve exosomes ...

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