Sep 9Liked by Gregory Lessing Garrett

Well, what he said worked on me, until it no longer did, years later. I write it off to learning many things the hard way. When you are set up almost from birth to believe a huge number of lies, that's the way it goes.

I'm just glad my parents didn't lie to me about Santa Claus. They told the truth. Although I did stir up a small fuss when I shared that information with other kids, and showed proof (from my encyclopedia).

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Sep 9Liked by Gregory Lessing Garrett

Top video!

It's Dr Evils Cajillion rap.

Don't feel bad, that's the amount of money they've spent promoting this lie, from you're very birth.

You should be proud,

Seeing through it all,

welcome to the next level! 😁👍🤯

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Sep 9Liked by Gregory Lessing Garrett

LOL, good one 👍

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Sep 12Liked by Gregory Lessing Garrett

How in the hell does anyone know for certain. THEY. DON'T

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Gregory Lessing Garrett

One of my all time favourite videos.

[the million billion trillion one]

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Thanks for making me laugh really hard! :)

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Lo-fi keyboard music. Nice to listen to when your writing billions of letters on top of millions of lines on millions of sheets of paper.

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