So is this a vote for Tolkien? I am currently reading the Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser.

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Sanskrit are ancient Hindu texts that were composed between 1500 and 1200 B.C ...

However, the word Cuneiform means wedge shaped. It was created by the Sumerians in 4000 B.C. or earlier. Also, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth are an ancient and revered spiritual text believed to have been written around 36,000 B.C. Parts read like the teachings of Yeshua/Saint Isisa

Remember, every race of humans has their sky god stories. Maybe aka the "fallen ones" the others that scattered across our planet and mated with humanoid women.

These charters also fought among themselves for power over the people and resources. and the people fought over themselves in religious/belief wars. You know my god is the real god.

We are not finished seeking the truth as Göbekli Tepe in Turkey was discovered and has been determined to be even older than the Sumerians at 10, to 12,000 BC. It maybe another language of symbols.

And then their are the ancient cities buried beneath the oceans yet to be identified. At least publically.

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The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean are a pseudohistorical book written by cult leader Maurice Doreal in 1930. Now, you are just making up fantasies. lol

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