Feb 10Liked by Gregory Lessing Garrett

This is rather interesting that they have gone to great lengths to make there satanic symbols match in every measure! Well our 7 trumps their 6. Revelation has plenty of 7’s.

People get very offended by the fact we live on a flat stationary earth.

The propaganda starts early. About a year ago I drove a mother and her 4 year old daughter to a dental appointment. She came out with a small inflatable earth ball. I thought wow… programming starts early. Satan is working overtime on young minds.

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Great post, a few " others" 😉

Carbon has " supposedly"

6 protons

6 Neutrons

6 Electrons

Carbon net zero, ( killing "the beast" ) which is humans, it is a mockery.

" ....the number of man is 600 threescore and 6 - they refer to us as beasts ( animals) !

The " threescore" refers to the molecular orbits - 3D

600 is for others to find out 😂

6 is the "arms of interaction"

Notice where silicon is on the periodic table! - Transhumanism

We are comprised of ELE ments

" Many" version "T" of mankind ( genetic version)

We live on an infinite plane, we are in dome (T) ie planeT

We easily believe "space" or nothingness 😂 is infinite, yet we struggle with an infinite plane, why , because it's what really matters.

Transversal material. (Light capture and reflection) .

The "Ear TH" is not flat it has mountains and valleys 😂

Ear - sound (light frequencies) - word of God, big bang etc.

T is the pedestal on which our reflective dome rests.

North "pole" mountain intersects with firmanent, source of electromagnetic bonding for this realm. " .....and mountains will move" just like the North pole

H is for halo grams contained light x weight - E= Mass x velocity of light squared

Halo around the saints heads ( showing the conscience connection to source) or separation - Holy - to be set apart, gold and silver threads , transmission lines to our spiritual realm counter part ( where our conscience resides)

5G interrupts the connection,with this Thule technology we all become Godless automatons, or our "Creator" is subjugated, no connection to REAL source.

This means all observed , can be "Vieled" or altered, just like a magic trick.


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