Will Duffy’s “Final Experiment” Hoax: The Apparent Versus Actual Position and Motion of Celestial Events
First of all, live streaming and making cell phone calls to America with Internet from Antarctica??? Yeah, I guess Verizon has cell phone towers in Antarctica now. Hahahaha! The Final Experiment crew may claim that they used Elon Musk’s Starlink to broadcast live from Antarctica. Yeah, Elon Musk…a man we can trust, right? Hahaha! But anyway, where is Starlink located on the official Starlink website.?
Starlink ground stations are located in several locations on the official Starlink website, including:
Adelanto, Anchorage, Arkansas, Anderson, South Carolina, Angola, Indiana, Arbuckle, Arlington, Oregon, and Arvin.
No mention of Antarctica is listed on the official Starlink website…soooooooooooooo???
Besides, Starlink is a massive hoax that pretends to use satellites instead of ground-based cell phone technology, but we all know that if you are in a remote ground based location, away from ground-based cell phone towers, you get no cell phone reception, which debunks the myth of satellite cell phone transmission.
Evidently, they used square cutout Photoshopped images in “The Final Experiment” to place people in the manufactured scenes:
Final Experiment Fakery:
Even if you could concoct the tall tale of satellite transmission from Antarctica, military stuff and such, that Internet would definitely not be zero latency live stream caliber, which is what “The Final Experiment” team claimed to employ. Fishy, fishy, fishy!
The Failed Experiment Exposed..Flat Earth:
The $$$ Behind The Final Experiment:
At best, The Sun is nothing more than an APPARENT electromagnetic projection coming from another source, and certainly, it cannot be tracked by any Earth bound source, in terms of ACTUAL position or movement.
Also, note that The Sun’s movement is, moreover, an APPARENT spiral motion above The Earth, as opposed to the circular motion that some protest it to be. The Sun moves, as it is electromagnetically projected from a remote source, in spiral fashion, therefore forming an Analemma, when tracked or filmed over long periods of time. In Astronomy, an Analemma is a diagram showing the position of The Sun in the sky as seen from a fixed location on Earth at the same mean solar time over the course of a year. The change of position is a result of the apparent shifting of the angle in the sky of the path that The Sun takes with respect to The Stars (The Ecliptic). The diagram resembles a figure eight.
Antarctica 24 Hours Sun. Flat Earth Never Dies:
Vibes of Cosmos Full Documentary: How Celestial Mechanics Work
Vibes of Cosmos Full Documentary:
Excerpts From Vibes of Cosmos Book Four: First 10 Pages
Secondly, and quite ironically and embarrassing for Will Duffy and the shills he took with him to Antarctica, The Enclosed Cosmological model predicts that you should, indeed, see a 24-hour Sun from Antarctica due to the quasi-vitreous reflective nature of The Firmament. What you will see is an APPARENT image of the electromagnetic projection of the ACTUAL Sun as it is projected from ABOVE The Firmament, or some say projected from The Black Sun, below The Earth, as it travels its 24 hour cycle around The Earth. This optical effect would create the illusion of a 24-hour Sun as seen from the vantage point of each observer at the Antarctic Ice Wall. Correspondingly, if you were to change your vantage point to, let’s say France, this optical effect would change, as you would now being looking UP at The Sun instead of horizontally ACROSS The Earth from the Antarctic Ice Wall. In short, your geographic vantage point, and whether or not you’re looking UP, as opposed to horizontally ACROSS from “The Edge” of The Earth (i.e. The Antarctic Shelf) determines what APPARENT image, motion, and optical resolution you see.
Was "The Final Experiment" FAKED, or REAL? Defending the observations of a 24hr sun in Antarctica:
However, in reality, The Sun is simply traversing its path around The Earth, and due to its APPARENT nature when viewed from Earth, the illusion of it being localized (i.e., viewable) from Antarctica is created. Again, the ACTUAL Sun is high above and the APPARENT image or projection of it is what we see. Because of The reflective characteristics of a glassy and crystalline Firmament, in addition to various atmospheric refractory indexes, we literally live in a kind of celestial Hall of Mirrors.
The Refraction of Light and The Sun’s Position and Movement:
Note, the APPARENT position of celestial objects is often due to the refraction of light, which is the perturbation, and subsequent, bending of light waves as they pass through one isotropic media to another, and is contingent upon the coefficient of molecular friction, which is measured as an index of density, of the medium in which rays travel within. This phenomena is conveyed as The Index of Refraction. Thus, the APPARENT position of celestial bodies is changed due to refraction as light rays from those bodies pass through the atmosphere, and hence, we never see the ACTUAL position of any celestial events, including The Sun. We never know exactly where The Sun is or what its precise movement is. We can only observe its refracted and reflected position off The Firmament, which is, in turn. refracted again., which makes any observation of The Sun’s transit, either at the equator, or at Antarctica, a mere exercise in phantom isolation.
The Index of Refraction:
In optics, The Index of Refraction of an optical medium is the ratio of the apparent speed of light in the air or vacuum to the speed in the medium. The refractive index determines how much the path of light is bent, or refracted, when entering a material. This is described by Snell's Law of Refraction, n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2, where θ1 and θ2 are the angle of incidence and angle of refraction, respectively, of a ray crossing the interface between two media with refractive indices n1 and n2. The refractive indices also determine the amount of light that is reflected when reaching the interface, as well as the critical angle for total internal reflection, their intensity (Fresnel Equations) and Brewster's Angle, also known as The Polarization Angle, which is an angle of incidence at which light with a particular polarization is perfectly transmitted through a transparent dielectric surface, with no reflection. When unpolarized light is incident at this angle, the light that is reflected from the surface is therefore perfectly polarized. The angle is named after the Scottish Physicist, Sir David Brewster (1781–1868).
Snell's Law:
Snell's Law, (also known as The Snell–Descartes Law, is a formula used to describe the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction, when referring to light or other waves passing through a boundary between two different isotropic media, such as water, glass, or air. In optics, the law is used in ray tracing to compute the angles of incidence or refraction, and in experimental optics to find the refractive index of a material. The law is also satisfied in meta-materials, which allow light to be bent "backward" at a negative angle of refraction with a negative refractive index.
Example of Differential Refraction Distorting The Apparent Format of The Sun During Sunrise:
To continue,, many people have pointed out that it appears tht they used Greenscreen technology in their production. Why? So suspicious. And ultimately, none of this alleged trip matters because you cannot tell the shape of the ground by looking at lights in the sky any more than you cannot tell the shape of dining room floor by gazing up at a chandelier above it. It's all just patent nonsense and hypothetical conjecture with zero proof.
Nevertheless, because it’s logical to assume that there is a quasi-vitreous, molten, and glassy nature to The Firmament, which would imbue The Firmament with a wide array of mirror-like optical qualities when viewed from the surface of The Earth, including reflection and the inversion of celestial phenomena, in the same way, phenomena is inverted when viewed through a mirror, and thus, any claims about the movement of The Sun, The Moon, and/or The Stars, from any point of observation on The Earth, can, at best, only relate to the APPARENT position and motion of celestial events. In other words, we never truly see the position or motion of any celestial events. At best, we can only see where they are APPARENTLY, never truly knowing their ACTUAL position due to the “Hall of Mirrors” that a Firmament and atmosphere would create in the realm called Earth.
Hence, any inspection or observation of The Sun from Antarctica, leading to a conclusion of either a 24-hour Sun or not, proves absolutely nothing about the ACTUAL path of The Sun, and certainly gives us no information about th shape of The Earth.
Additionally, the project was entitled, “The Final Experiment,” but an experiment requires that an independent variable be manipulated in a natural environment in order to extract a dependent variable. But no such independent variable was manipulated ever. They simply went sightseeing and called that a scientific experiment. Thus, what was done, ALLEGEDLY, was an observation, not an experiment, and then an ad hoc and foregone conclusion was therein inserted, after the fact, to explain the observation based upon the mythological science fiction fanatsy of a Spherical Earth shooting through imaginary Outer Space.
Can the Heliocentric nonsense get anymore absurd than this? How desperate do you have to be to silence the Enclosed Cosmological claim that you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to film a light in the sky so you can erroneously say that 70% of The Earth, which is water, is also spherical? It’s a level of desperation to silence Enclosed Cosmologists so grandiose that it is almost psychotic.
Antarctica is circular Ice Wall surrounding the landmass of Earth, not a continent:
The APPARENT Rotation of The Stars: A Celestial Hall of Mirrors
The same optical principles that apply to The Sun’s APPPARENT position and motion as viewed from The Antarctic Ice Wall apply to The Stars, and whether they appear to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. Depending upon which latitude you are viewing them from, in addition to where you are facing, The Stars will appear to rotate one way or another. Facing North, Stars appear to rotate counter-clockwise (right to left). Facing South, Stars appear to rotate clockwise (left to right). And Stars appear to rotate counterclockwise around the North Celestial Pole, and Stars appear to rotate clockwise when viewed from The Antarctic Shelf, again, due to the aforementioned optical principles.
All of these appearances are, again, the result of optical effects caused by a crystalline and reflective Firmament, which direction you’re facing and from which latitude, in addition to various atmospheric refractory indexes, among other variables, some known, and some yet unknown. Subsequently, we see The APPARENT rotation of The Stars. We see what this Hall of Mirrors we live in creates for us to see, but we do not see ACTUAL celestial events of motion. We can’t from our perspective on Earth. We each live under an individual “dome of perspective,” and with it, we live with optical resolution limitations because the human eye can only see so far, either alone or aided by a telescope, especially when looking horizontally through The Earth’s atmosphere.
Hence, when you gaze up at The Stars, you are seeing their APPARENT positions and motions as is created by having a personal “dome” of angular resolution limitations around and above you. Subsequently, celestial events are “bent down” and compressed around you, giving the appearance of an outdoor Sky Planetarium due to this optical illusion. But in reality, The Stars stretch out for thousands and thousands of miles above you, but you can only see a tiny patch of this vast expanse (the vast expanse being The Firmament) from your “dome of perspective”, again, due to optical compression, which is to say, the horizon and vast expanse above and around you are compressed down to your ground position in a kind of personal “dome of perspective”, each person existing in their own private, and personal mini-visual dome due to the angular resolution limitations of the human eye.
As result, we see EFFECTS, not causes…a celestial light show, but never the ACTUAL real source of the show. The Firmament is bending, reflecting, and altering what we see, depending upon our ground potion location, and atmospheric density, alone, limits our ability to see further. Even Infrared technology cannot cut through all The Earth’s atmosphere. And besides, each person’s “dome of perceptive” only reaches a certain distance and then the angular compression of our field of view diminishes to a pinpoint, much like how railroad tracks appear to meet in the distance. They don’t, but we experience the optical illusion that they do. This same principle applies to how far we can see across the plane of The Earth from our particular ground position.
The Final Experiment - It's Apparent there's 24 Hour Sun Apparently:
APPARENT Observations Versus ACTUAL Observations: The Scientific Method Under Attack
Science is not based upon unproven assumptions. This is why The Heliocentric Model has been shown to be a fantasy by millions of people. It’s just a Kindergarten story that Heliocentrists cannot let go of. There is an enormous difference between testing ACTUAL phenomena and APPARENT phenomenon. You must be able to vary and manipulate the independent variable in your experiment in order to test your hypothesis. Nothing in imaginary Outer Space can be varied or manipulated, therefore disqualifying Astrophysics from creating any empirical experimentation regarding its conclusions. It is all conjecture, hypothesis building, and fairytale story telling in Astrophysics. Observing an APPARENT phenomena is not an experimental design. You literally must be able to go out into imaginary Outer Space to manipulate your ACTUAL independent variable and create your Null Hypothesis in order to establish a proper scientific experiment. None of this is done in the sham called Astrophysics. The fact that Heliocentrists do not understand the scientific method says a lot about their scientific background. They literally believe that making up stories about things that are allegedly supposed to be light years away is science. It is not. It is Disney fantasyland. This is why there is such a crisis in Astrophysics. Too many other legitimate scientists are exposing it for the fraud that it is, resulting in television actors like Neil de Grasse Tyson trying to do damage control and failing miserably.
I was a staunch advocate and supporter of The Heliocentric Model all my life until I finally started to systematically break it down and see what it was really claiming…and preaching. When you apply the razor of empirical science to theoretical science, you begin to shave off all the lies and wild unsupported conjectures. It’s a slow and meticulous process, but the results are Truth.
The longer you look into this Jesuit created fantasy called, “The Universe,” the more you will discover that it does not exist other than in science fiction and in computer simulations. The Enclosed Cosmological Model is not a belief system. Heliocentrism is, however. The Enclosed Cosmological Model is simply a model that naturally results from doing empirical observations, uncontaminated by theoretical conjecture and belief systems. I am very well aware of what universities teach. I have multiple college degrees, including a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Masters in Education, and extensive research in Physics, Astrophysics, and Philosophy, and so, I am acutely aware of how scientists perform science and what has been passed off as “real science” when it is nothing but theoretical myth making. Now that the sham of institutionalized science is being exposed by millions of researchers for its fraudulent epistemological claims, we can finally get back to practicing empirical science, divorced of the fictional and spurious claims of Theoretical Physics.
Reflections From The Ends of The Earth:
The Roles That Refraction, Atmosphere, and Perspective Play in The Sun's Apparent Versus Real Position: The Failures of MCToon: A Study in Faulty Premises and Subsequent Faulty Claims
How do the Sunrises and Sunsets work in the Flat Earth model? The typical answer from a Flat Earther will be: Perspective. Well, that is not enough. Though perspective is a small part of the answer, it’s not enough. The Sun cannot be located by knowing where one apparent Sun appears, relative to one observer’s observation location. You must have multiple observations, simultaneously, of the Sun taken from multiple locations on the Earth, using precise directions, geo-locations, and angles. The atmosphere causes The Sun to show up at different apparent locations, and there are many atmospheric conditions on the Earth causing varying refractive conditions to factor in.
Refraction According to Walter Bislins
The density of the atmosphere generally decreases exponentially with increasing altitude. Any density change causes a refraction. If the density change is not abrupt but continuous as in the atmosphere, the light is not refracted but bent, but we call it Refraction anyway. Light is always bent in the direction of the higher density, and in the atmosphere that is usually downwards. This means that objects in the distance appear higher than with a straight line of sight. This effect increases with the distance of the observed object, since the light beam travels a larger distance.
Refraction is not a constant phenomenon. It depends strongly on the current atmospheric conditions along the light path and therefore fluctuates on the way to the observer. Since it is impossible to measure the actual refraction from the object to the observer, an average value is obtained which can be calculated from the atmospheric conditions at the observer's location, at least for shorter distances of only some km. But these values can be used for longer distances too if there are similar conditions along the light path. Above the ground layer refraction does not vary much as shown in Refraction Coefficient as a Function of Altitude. The average value corresponds to a light beam following an arc with the constant radius RR.
Flat Earth - Refraction part 1/3 - The Sun (عربي-Magyarul-Español-Français-Português-Indonesian):
Flat Earth | Refraction part 2/3 - Star Trails:
Flat Earth | Refraction Part 3/3 - Experiment 1:
Modern science claims that the apparent Sun sets after the real Sun because of atmospheric conditions and the effect of refraction. And so, when we see the apparent Sun above the horizon line, that is just a reflection of the real Sun, which has already set. But when we add the atmosphere to the globe model, it does the same thing that it is claims in the Flat Earth model. The apparent Sun goes down first and the real Sun follows it. That is contrary to the way refraction is normally presented. So the atmosphere is something that we can't ignore. It's like looking at the Sun with your glasses on. The atmosphere is like a lens with no cover. We are like fish in the sea. So the atmosphere can change the whole view of the Sun. Now, in order to prove this, we need to add the atmosphere to the model. But the question remains, “How?'”.
One scientist discovered how by creating an animation program that is capable of modeling the atmosphere exactly how it is. He took various atmospheric data points and built all the layers of the atmosphere. Suddenly, everything started to make perfect sense. The Sun started to rise and set, and match reality more than the globe model does. With 3D software you can model the atmosphere very accurately using refraction settings. We're not talking about drawing it and making it visible. We're talking about drawing atmospheric layers with their real effects on Sunlight.
Once this was discovered, other researchers were able to test the atmosphere’s effect on The Sun’s light. After having everything fixed in the simulation, they started to compare it with real life empirical observations in order to predict what should happen in the real observable world. They then took real Sunset videos and compared them with both the Flat Earth and Globe Earth models. What they learned is that if you play and compare the three videos at the same time, you will not know which is the Flat Earth model because it looks exactly like real life video footage, just as the simulation had predicted.
Many scientists think that the Flat Earth model can't work because it can't represent Sunrise and Sunset, but when you add the natural effects of the Earth’s atmosphere, exactly how science represents, they work perfectly.
Now solving this problem doesn’t mean that they solved everything. We still have a problem with the elevation angles. Because the Sun that we see is not in its real position, and what we see is just the apparent Sun due to refraction and atmospheric conditions, more must be considered. And so, imagine the real Sun is out and the apparent Sun is visible. The shadow that you are going to get is going to follow the apparent Sun and not the real Sun, and this is not what we want to test. The elevation angle that you measure with a sextant, or with any other tool, will not be the angle of the real position of the Sun. It is just the angle of the apparent Sun. We still need to locate the real Sun that we never see due to refraction and atmospheric conditions. Once we locate it, we will be able to get the exact elevation angles of the real position of the Sun, and by doing so, we can extrapolate and plot a Flat Earth map.
You cannot draw a Flat Earth map using the triangulation method from elevation angles by triangulating an apparent position of the Sun. And, triangulating the Sun from three different positions is like triangulating three Suns at the same time, which will never ever give you a precise number. And so, currently researchers are just focusing on how to locate the real position of the Sun.
The Sun Sets Just Fine On A Flat Earth - The Maths Are Wrong Perspective:
When the Sun is directly overhead, the refraction is near zero, but you still can't say where the Sun actually is. As the Sun travels towards the west, the atmosphere creates an image of it for every eye, depending upon their varying geo-location. Hence, anyone who looks at the Sun from the same angle, but at another geo-location, as in the case of a different city, will see the apparent Sun in a different position. But, again, no one can see the Sun in its real position. So if you try to triangulate the Sun, you will never get the exact distance. It is like trying to triangulate a Rainbow. Rainbows are an epiphenomenal effect, (a secondary phenomenon accompanying another cause) induced by refraction and atmosphere, as in the position of the apparent Sun. In other words, just as a Rainbow’s source cannot be located, so the real location of the Sun cannot be located. And so, they both have no real identifiable location, but rather, only an apparent position, relative to the observer. This is how the Sunrise and Sunset start to work on the Flat Earth once the atmosphere is added.
Why The Sun Doesn't Shrink To A Dot On The Flat Earth Celestial Perspective Experiment Shows Why:
The Failures of MCToon: A Study in Faulty Premises and Subsequent Faulty Claims
MCToon Fails to Understand the Difference Between Apparent Sun and Real Sun Locations, Using Middle School Math to Refute Himself:
MCToon Fail #1:
MCToon Fails to understand the difference between apparent Sun and real Sun locations, using middle school math to refute himself. He applies apparent Sun angular elevation variables to arrive at erroneous predictions and outcomes, therefore refuting himself.
MCToon Fail #2:
He also fails to grasp that atmospheric “lensing” can magnify objects as they recede into the distance, which results in the Sun sometimes appearing to be the same size or lager as it moves away from the observer. And other times, when the atmospheric conditions are different, the Sun will remain the same size as it moves away. Under other atmospheric conditions, as thousands of videos attest, The Sun will get smaller and smaller as it recedes into the distance, which completely destroys the idea that The Sun is 94 million miles away and that the Earth is a spinning ball to make The Sun appear to “set”.
The Sun, Indeed, Gets Smaller and Smaller Under certain Atmospheric Conditions:
Time Lapse Photography of The Sun Getting Bigger as it Approaches and Smaller as It Recedes From the Observer
Flat Earth, 2019 HD Time Lapse Shrinking Sunset Compilation:
Time Lapse Video of A Beautiful Flat Earth Sunrise Over The Philippine Sea. The Sun Increases in Size as it Approaches The Observer.
MCToon Fail 3:
Also, he falls to grasp that any object that recedes at a great distance eventually loses all angular resolution with the human eye. As it recedes, it is compresses at the horizon line until it cannot be seen. He attributes this lack of luminance to the Sun setting, when in reality, it is merely the result of the inability of the human eye to resolve images that are extremely far away. They “disappear” under the constraints of angular compression. Nevertheless, if one applies a powerful telescope to the same object, one can easily bring the object back into vision, thereby, demonstrating that it, indeed, did not go over an imaginary curve, but rather, it was merely compressed beyond the naked eye’s resolution index. From this faulty premise, MCToon proclaims, “The Sun cannot set on a Flat Earth!!!”. This is like saying “The car that drives so far down a flat road at night, such that I can no longer see its tail-lights, must be going over a curve!”, rather than simply understanding that the car has travelled so far down the road that the human eye can no longer resolve its angular dimensions, or even the luminescence of the car lights. Similarly, a Lighthouse will illuminate the ocean for many miles, but there is a point at which it can no longer be seen at all because its luminescence cannot be resolved due to the angular compression created from its distance from the ship at sea. MCToon understands none of this and prefers to assert tantamount to the idea that, “The Sun, car lights, and Lighthouses are setting over an imaginary Earth curvature.
Perspective creates horizons at eye level of flat earth because that's how perspective works. Sunsets work on flat earth because of the laws of perspective creating horizons at eye level.
This video contains repeatable footage of the sun growing and shrinking significantly in size (empirically detectable) at sunrise and sunset-- especially right near the horizon. This footage tells us the sun is near/close/low (probably 3000-8000 miles away), and small (not incredibly distant and incredibly far as NASA behind closed doors "science" demands). This empirical data is immensely important to zetetic studies.
The only way academics can deny the close sun is to literally deny the purest, cleanest sort of empirical data-- in other words to deny science, and say we don't see what we clearly see, like saying the sky is green or that people have five arms. The proper thing for academics to do is move with the evidence and put their theories on the shelf--that is the scientific move; there's no way around it. This one issue, that myself and many others have made videos about, closes the door on heliocentrism. I mean, it's OVER. Every person on plane-Earth needs to start getting their ideologies in line with this.
At sunrise and sunset, the sun is often very dim. Near my house I can often directly watch the sun sink into Lake Michigan at sunset since it becomes so dim at sunset.
IMPORTANT: The dim sun with no rays eliminates any chance of glare, flare, light saturation, etc. from occurring, no filter is needed, and thus the true edge and size of the disk can be viewed and measured. This is not the case at other times (when the sun is "higher"). This is important since we know we don't need to use a filter, since filters block out backgrounds and one never has confirmation that that the filtered sun is being filmed right at rise or set.
Five Minutes of Shrinking Sun Footage. The Death of Heliocentrism. Flat Earth:
Greek Island Sun Set Time Lapse:
How Perspective and Sunsets Work on Flat Earth:
Subsequently, to sum up, MCToon erroneously attributes any occasion that The Sun remains the same size as it recedes into the distance as evidence of a spinning sphere instead of realizing that varying atmospheric conditions create these varying optical effects, while ignoring anytime that The Sun decreases in size or increases in size, as it recedes, being due to the varying natural atmospheric conditions surrounding the apparent image of the Sun.
Concurrently, one might conclude that MCToon thinks that Rainbows are caused by a spherical Earth with an imaginary curve. That’s how crazy this man has become.
And so, MCToon starts with a faulty premises in order to build faulty secondary and erroneous claims nd conclusions. With each video he does, his claims and conclusions become weaker and weaker, as well as increasingly remedial in analysis.
Gotta Lie to Glerf
MCToon…“Sunsets DESTROY Flat Earth”????…Nope, MCToon Refutes Himself:
Also The Sun Does Not Shrink as it Recedes Due To Perspective Convergence and its Parallel and Perpendicular Path Relative to the Observer
The Sun may not always shrink as it recedes due to perspective convergence and its parallel and perpendicular path relative to the observer. It is all a matter of perspective, your frame of reference and point of view. If the Sun were on our eyeline, it would go away from you, and it would shrink in size like this train going down the tracks. to shrink. But it's not on our eyeline, but rather, it moves on a flat Earth, parallel to the ground, and therefore, it moves perpendicular to our eyeline. Hence, the Sun is actually moving above and away from you, not directly away from you like a receding train on our plane.
The Sun moves over and it forms kind of a pyramid shape as it goes overhead, so it maintains a perpendicular angle to the observer.
Additionally, the Sun doesn't speed up as it goes overhead, as many Heliocentrists claim it should if the Earth was flat. What they're talking about is how when a train comes into a station, it appears to speed up as it passes you, but appears slower in the distance. But they forget to grasp that the train is near you in your eyeline of sight at ground level. They’ll say that the Sun should be very slow on the horizon and whizzing overhead, but the Sun is not on our eyeline. It's traveling parallel to the ground, and it's perpendicular to us, but it’s very high up, and so, it will appear to climb in the sky as it approaches the observer, and descend as it recedes into the distance in the contour of pyramid. As The Sun appears to climb, no apparent acceleration can be observed, nor can any apparent deceleration be observed as it appears to descend. But, I fact, the Sun is doing nether. It only appears to do this. It is actually travelling parallel to the ground at a very high altitude, which gives the illusion of this apparent motion to the human eye.
Upworthy Article by Evan Porter on The Event:
“Flat Earthers and "globe Earthers" came together for the truth-finding trip of a lifetime. Admitting you were wrong is not an easy thing to do for anyone.
Three years ago, a pastor from Colorado named Will Duffy found out that some people believed — still believed — that the Earth was flat. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Hadn't we settled this debate centuries ago?! Not only was the debate continuing to rage on, but it was incredibly divisive and was part of a doorway to discredit even more crucial science.
He decided to take it upon himself to end the questions, once and for all. How? By taking a trip to Antarctica.
Duffy devised a project called The Final Experiment, in which he invited prominent "flat Earthers" along with a crew of "globe Earthers" to explore the most remote climate on the planet — together.
It's Midnight in Antarctica!:
In a flat Earth model, Antarctica is usually depicted as an ice wall that encircles the rest of the planet. Sometimes, it's shown as its own distinct continent. However, by visiting Antarctica in the summer, the team would be able to see Antarctica's famous 24-hour sun, or midnight sun, up close and personal.
Flat Earthers, crucially, do not typically believe that a 24-hour sun is possible. In their models, the sun would rise and set in Antarctica the same way it does everywhere else. The existence of midnight sun would, if not outright prove, at least heavily suggest, that Earth is a tilted sphere.
(Of course, there are already mountains of evidence and data that show the Earth is a sphere — and plenty of documentation of the existence of midnight sun. But never mind that for now.)
Duffy reached out to several big-name flat Earthers, and many declined to take the trip. But he was able to get a handful of brave explorers on board. The group flew deep into the interior of Antarctica, landing on an ice runway near Union Glacier Camp.
Will Duffy and his crew live-streamed the whole thing on YouTube via Starlink. The video begins at midnight, with the sun high in the sky — an absolutely stunning sight for many on the expedition. Duffy then allows each member of the team to share their thoughts on the journey and their observations.
Jeran Campanella, one of the most prominent flat Earthers on YouTube, spoke from the heart: "Sometimes, you are wrong in life."
“I thought there was no 24-hour sun, in fact I was pretty sure of it," he said bluntly after observing it with his own eyes. “It's a fact. The Sun does circle you in the south. What does it mean? You guys are gonna have to figure that out yourselves.”
He stopped short of definitively admitting that the Earth is a sphere, but he did confess that the Azimuthal equidistant map — the most popular flat earth model — no longer makes sense in his mind based on what he saw in Antarctica.
"I realize I'll be called a shill for saying that. And you know what, if you're a shill for being honest, so be it. I honestly believed there was no 24 hour sun, I honestly now believe there is. There it is," he said.
It seems silly, since most of us can acknowledge that a spherical Earth is settled science. But by making this admission on camera, Jeran risked losing his audience, his credibility in his community, and even his livelihood as a content creator with nearly 200,000 followers.
It took courage to finally admit that he was wrong.
"Respect for Jeran. He sounded shaken and he knows he's going to [receive] backlash," wrote a commenter on Youtube.
"I'm quite impressed by Jeran. He chokes up and was quite emotional, clearly this was a deep seated belief of his and he handled being proven wrong with grace. good for him," said another.
Why is it so hard for us to let go of deeply held beliefs? Beliefs aren't always logical decisions, but emotional ones.
Our identities and our sense of self get so tied up into what we believe. Belief in a conspiracy theory might start as genuine curiosity or confusion but quickly spiral into much more.
People even make good friends and meet romantic partners inside of communities based on their beliefs, so to let go of that is deeply threatening to our psyches.
“Our ego, or sense of self, finds comfort in our various identities. Just as we have fight, flight, or freeze instincts to protect our physical well-being, we defend our psychological sense of self when our various identities are threatened. This is why if someone makes fun of our favorite football team, city, state, country, music artist, political party, hero, religion, ideas, and so on, we feel a surge of emotion to defend them," writes Mike Brooks for Psychology Today.
Even when we see the truth with our own eyes, it can be hard to accept.
"I think what matters most is putting our egos aside," Lisbeth, another flat Earther that accompanied The Final Experiment to Antarctica. "Are we here for truth, or are we here to hold onto narrative and ego?"
Some people just need to see things with their own eyes to believe. And putting your most deeply-held beliefs on the line and going into new situations with an open mind, knowing core pieces of your identity may not hold up to scrutiny, is admirable — no matter what the rest of us might think about the validity of those beliefs.
Mark Herman, who also went on the voyage, said, "Who would have thought? Two groups of people who are so opposed in belief and ideology to the point where there's ridicule, there's shame, all kinds of horrible things, but when they come together, there's so much camaraderie and teamwork between people. I'm very thankful to be a part of it."
Watch the full video and I think you'll be surprised by how much beauty there is in this project, not only in the breathtaking Antarctic landscape and the wonder of never-ending sunshine, but in the humanity and vulnerability on display from each of the participants.”
Celestial Myth Making
Gazing up into the night sky and seeing the moving constellations is no confirmation of Gravity. All it does is verify movement. We do not know anything more than that. It could be apparent movement caused by reflective and refractive properties of the Firmament, for all we know. It could be the result of Sonoluminescent luminaries following toroidal electromagnetic channels, which we interpret as “orbits” in the Heliocentric Model. There could be any number of reasons why we see Stars appear to move in predictable cycles?
Inferring Gravity as some magical invisible glue that communicates over millions of miles is really good science fiction but very bad science. For instance, Polaris exists as the center hub from which all other Stars in the night sky exhibit apparent rotation around. However, from this observation, we cannot conclude, beyond doubt, that Polaris possess some magical gravitational field holding the surrounding celestial bodies prisoner in an orbital dance. We simply do not know.
Now, The Heliocentric Model tries to explain this observation of the Stars predictable cyclical movement an entirely different way. This bizarre, twisted model asserts that it is actually The Earth which is spinning to make the star appear to rotate above you. The idea is that the observe relative to the star is actually doing the moving, and that is why the Star appear to cycle around. It is much like saying you are on an escalator and that is why objects appear to move above you. You are moving and this gives the optical illusion of stationary objects above you moving. Of course, there is no evidence to support this wild conjecture and it, by no coincidence or accident, closely aligns with the Einsteinian Relativity fantasy for a good reason. It is all coming from the same occult Kabbalistic source. Relativity, just like Heliocentrism, is merely repackaged occult fantasy sold as actual science. And so, it was easy for the Scientism Priests who concocted Heliocentrism to append Relativity to it in order to assert that the Earth is moving instead of the Stars. And yet, do you feel any motion?
Do you feel like you are on a huge rotating escalator and the Stars are not moving above you? Of course not. Every fiber in your being and all your senses inform you that you are perfectly still on a completely motionless plane, and that The Stars are obviously moving above you.
This is awesome, thank you Greg!!
Here are a couple more for the collection!
I love the “They Live Truth” guy:
This past week in South Florida, the moon was in the sky at 8:30 a.m., in the backyard and the sun was up in the front yard.