The Underhanded and Dirty Pool That MCToon Plays in Order to Feel Self-Righteous and Defame Flat Earthers
This You Tube video from MCToon’s Live channel is an excellent example of just how far Michael Toon will go to get sensationalized likes and attention. Michael Toon, who lives in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, according to his LinkedIn profile, has gone too far.
Reporting "Moral" Bob to Law Enforcement:
To begin with, I do not know any of the people in this video, nor do I have any knowledge of any of their personal lives, deeds, online behavior, or personal views. For the record, I am accusing nobody of anything, and I have zero knowledge of any of the actual details of this alleged case other than what is mentioned in MCToon’s public You Tube video. I simply ran across this video while viewing random You Tubes, and subsequently, thought it might serve as a good example of just how far Heliocentrists will go to destroy their opponents when they cannot win any other way.
The key thing to note is how MCToon declares that he is “publicly naming and shaming” his guest, Bob, by calling law enforcement on him during a public broadcast. In other words, what MCToon is doing is “publicly naming and shaming” someone who he is accusing of “publicly naming and shaming” another. The irony and absurdity here is almost criminal in nature, and MCToon could face legal consequences by publicly accusing his guest of the very offense that his guest was accusing another person of…the mythical “Dave”. You’ll note that MCToon publicly insinuates that his guest, Bob, is guilty of the very thing that Bob allegedly publicly was accusing this person Dave of, unaware that he was committing the very same alleged offense as his accusee. Note that MCToon says that he is led to believe, Bob “is in on it and an accomplice to a crime” (i.e., the crime of Pedophilia with this alleged Dave). This is defamation and slander against Bob, which could have serious repercussions against MCToon should Bob decide to bring defamation charges against MCToon in a court of law. MCToon is publicly making unfounded accusations against Bob with zero evidence. Legally, MCToon’s accusation is indefensible.
Now, the fact that MCToon is so personally invested and passionate about this particular topic could mean something deeper and darker lurks in his past…hard to say. Was he a victim of such alleged abuse? Hopefully not.
Nevertheless, the other fact appeared to be that nobody had any real circumstantial nor hard evidence regarding this alleged case at all, and all that was happening was that MCToon was setting himself up publicly for a potential mishmash of slander and defamation charges, should this guest, Bob, choose to pursue MCToon’s public allegations towards him.
Another thing to note is that Bob self-admitted that his Instagram post was merely part of “some mockery on a social media platform that was never intended to be taken seriously”, which, indeed, was self-evidently the truth, and obviously it was not supposed to be taken seriously, as anyone (Except MCToon) who read Bob’s Instagram post could see, but rather, Bob’s ironically sordid aspersion towards Dave was simply reflective of the rough-and-tumble nature of the “Flat Earth versus Heliocentrists” ongoing debate style. Bob even mentioned to MCToon, “What abuse?’” In other words, Bob had not formally reported any abuse because there was never any serious allegation of abuse ever being made by Bob, and yet, MCToon saw an opportunity to twist this situation into a serious abuse claim, regardless of the fact that Bob never made any real abuse claim against Dave. Rather, Bob merely hurt MCToon’s tender feelings, and so MCToon thought he would respond by trying transform Bob’s flippant Instagram remark into a real legal case to crucify his opponent, Bob.
The Instagram Post in Question:
And where was this mythical person, “Dave”, who was allegedly accused by Bob on his Instagram post, in all this? If it was all so serious, why is not Dave making the charge against Bob? How is it that MCToon ends up suddenly carrying the mantle of allegations against Bob regarding a social media post that was obviously merely more spy-versus-spy mudslinging between both MCToon and Bob than anything legitimately salient or legally substantive? MCToon twisted the whole thing into a failure on Bob’s part to report real abuse, when obviously Bob never made any such charge in any real legal fashion, and hence, there was no reason to report anything formally to law enforcement. It was locker room banter, not a real allegation against this mythical Dave, and yet MCToon saw the opportunity to play, “I am under the obligation to report any abuse to The U.S. Center for Safe Sport...etc…” with Bob and publicly slander and defame him on his You Tube channel, MCToon Live.
Also, note how smug, self-righteous, and arrogant MCToon comes off as he steps into his own self-made trap by “publicly naming and shaming” someone who he is accusing of “publicly naming and shaming” another. MCToon definitely cannot see the contradiction in his deeds, as well as the potential lawsuit that he may face for publicly accusing Bob of alleged charges that he self-admittingly has zero evidence for. A lawyer would have a field day with this case, and MCToon may have just walked into criminal charges being leveled against him by Bob…time will tell.
Additionally, in the video, MCToon gives Bob’s private address out to the public, an address that MCToon is accusing of harboring a potential Pedophile. This is a very serious and dangerous thing to do in this situation for whoever lives at that address. (i.e., Round Prairie Road, Bedias, Texas). Who knows what could come of that from whoever lives at this address, and if it is Bob that lives there, MCToon is also guilty of Doxxing. You can go to jail for doxxing someone. Although doxxing itself is not illegal, it could contribute to another criminal offense like harassment, stalking, intimidation, identity theft, or incitement to violence.
Also, in Bob’s Instagram “Pedo Dave” remark, he merely said “Dave”. Bob did not give his last name or address, and so, Bob was not targeting Dave, explicitly...just some guy named Dave and there are millions of Dave's in the world. Contrary to this. MCToon literally doxes Bob on air, and publicly gives Bob’s full name, address, and associates Bob with a pedophilia allegation in the phrase, he (Bob) may “be in on it”.
Also, MCToon is filing police report in public which now puts Bob in retaliatory danger for an unsubstantiated allegation. MCToon also said in the video that he does not know whether Bob “is in on it”, which is actually an allegation coming from MCToon that Bob is somehow participating in Pedophilia related behavior, and yet, with zero evidence. Essentially MCToon is accusing Bob of Pedophilia, the very same accusation that MCToon accused Bob of NOT reporting, concerning this mythical Dave with no last name or address.
MCToon is a perverse grandstander and showboat clown looking for as much attention as possible by defaming anyone he can when he can, as is extremely obvious to anyone viewing this with clear and levelheaded logic.
I think that this situation could easily blow up in MCToon's face in a legal way because he is going too far. Bob could press charges against MCToon and easily win.
This may very well backfire on MCToon.
“Pride commeth before the fall…”