The Trump Trial is All Staged, Scripted, and Fake, Intended to Lure People Into Exalting IMDb Television Actor, Donald Trump, as a Persecuted Messiah Figure
Antichrist Propaganda Programming for Trump in 2024: The Conservative Party Prepares For Their Antichrist Candidate
FREEDOM GATE! TRUMP NOW BEING CALLED THE NEW MOSES!: (You Tube as a downloaded video in case the You Tube Channel associated with the video gets banned…which it will soon for exposing child trafficking):
Trump was bailed out by Rothschilds’ Executive Director, Wilbur Ross, concerning his failing Taj Mahal Casino investment in New Jersey and Resorts Las Vegas, and then he chose Wilbur Ross as The Secretary of Commerce. Trump is beholden to The Rothschilds Dynasty. He is under their control.
A Staged Arrest With a Staged Mug Shot For a Staged Civil War Because All The World’s a Stage
Press Release August, 2023:
“Donald Trump has been formally booked by authorities in Georgia over accusations he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state. The 77-year-old had his mugshot taken - a historic first for a former US president - and was booked in as inmate P01135809 as he was presented with 13 charges at Fulton County jail on Thursday afternoon local time”.
The Khazarian “Crypto Jews” and The Meaningless Accusation of “Antisemitism”: Using The Judaic Faith as Trojan Horse For Christian Infiltration:
One book about this portion of history, The Jews of Khazaria explores the history and culture of Khazaria, a large empire in Eastern Europe (located in present-day Ukraine and Russia) in the early Middle Ages noted for its adoption of the Jewish religion. The book provides archaeological findings, genetic evidence, and information about the migration of The Khazars. Since they were not from any Semitic region, but rather from Georgia Russia, located in present-day Ukraine and Russia, the term “antisemitic” loses all meaning, of course, in relationship to these Crypto-Jews. Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos: ‘hidden’). Also, the word, “cryptic”, which means hidden, is associated with this term, “Crypto”.
The term is especially applied historically to Spanish Jews who outwardly professed Catholicism, also known as Conversos, Marranos, or the Anusim. The phenomenon is especially associated with Renaissance Spain, following the Massacre of 1391 and the expulsion of the Jews in 1492. Though little-known today, Khazaria was one of the largest political formations of its time—an economic and cultural power connected to several important trade routes and known for its religious tolerance. After the royal family converted to Judaism in the ninth century, many nobles and common people did likewise.
The Khazars were ruled by a succession of Jewish kings and adopted many hallmarks of Jewish civilization, including study of the Torah and Talmud, Hebrew script, and the observance of Jewish holidays, and though some leaned toward authentic Judaism, as matter of course, there was a bloodline within the Khazarian Empire that adhered to using the Judaic religion as a smokescreen in order to hide their wicked deeds.
This is what is meant by “The Serpent Seed”, or “The Synagogue of Satan”, that Christ spoke of in The Book of Revelation. He explicitly said that these people are the “Jews who are not Jews”, which clearly tells us that the term, “antisemitism” has no meaning in the way it being used to condemn anyone who mentions this aspect of Biblical history.
Past Post:
Will Donald Trump be Arrested on 3/22/2023=322/223 Skull and Bones National Donald Day?
The arrest of Donald Trump would make Trump a favorite Martyr as a setup for The Great Awakening of False Christian Nationalism in 2024, with Trump in the presidency seat.
The Numerology of The Occult:
1. So tomorrow is 3/22/2023=322/223 Skull and Bones Day.
2. 223 is the occult Masonic inversion of 322.
3. Also, 3/22/2023 is National Donald Day.
NYC prepares For Protests Ahead of Potential Trump Indictment:
A Staged Arrest With a Staged Mug Shot For a Staged Civil War Because All The World’s a Stage
Press Release August, 2023:
“Donald Trump has been formally booked by authorities in Georgia over accusations he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state. The 77-year-old had his mugshot taken - a historic first for a former US president - and was booked in as inmate P01135809 as he was presented with 13 charges at Fulton County jail on Thursday afternoon local time”.
Trump was bailed out by Rothschilds’ Executive Director, Wilbur Ross, concerning his failing Taj Mahal Casino investment in New Jersey and Resorts Las Vegas, and then he chose Wilbur Ross as The Secretary of Commerce. Trump is beholden to The Rothschilds Dynasty. He is under their control.
From Salon:
“Look for Trump and his legal team to mount a broad offensive against Bragg the person and Bragg the supposed "political operative" as they try to portray any charges against Trump as having nothing do with his apparent payment of hush money to Stormy Daniels and everything to do, as the New York Times put it recently, with "a coordinated offensive by the Democratic Party against Mr. Trump, who is trying to become only the second former president to win a new term after leaving office."
In a Fictitious World Where Artificial Intelligence Can Create Any Kind of Reality, Trump Was Arrested: Reality is Whatever an A.I. Meme Generator Says it is, Evidently:
Over this past weekend, Trump took to Truth Social to tell the world that he believed he would be arrested on Tuesday and urge his followers to protest and to "TAKE OUR NATION BACK!" Personally, I do not think any arrest or indictment will come until later this week (if even that soon), but time will tell.”
Tucker: This is Malicious:
Skull and Bones:
“Skull and Bones, also known as The Order, Order 322 or The Brotherhood of Death, is an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The oldest senior class society at the university, Skull and Bones has become a cultural institution known for its powerful alumni and various conspiracy theories. It is one of the "Big Three" societies at Yale, the other two being Scroll and Key and Wolf's Head. The society's alumni organization, the Russell Trust Association, owns the organization's real estate and oversees the membership. The society is known informally as "Bones," and members are known as "Bonesmen," "Members of The Order" or "Initiated to The Order."
“National Donald Day” from the National Today Website:
“National Donald Day takes place on March 22! This day is dedicated to everyone named Donald. It’s the time to show your appreciation to every Donald you know and love. If your name is Donald, well, it’s your lucky day, because we’re celebrating none other than you! Some people may not know this, but the name Donald comes from the Celtic name ‘Dòmhnall’ meaning ‘world ruler’ or ‘world leader.’ Common nicknames for Donald include Don, Donnie, and Donny. These also apply to Donella as well, as it’s the feminine version of Donald.”
The arrest of Donald Trump would make Trump a favorite Martyr as a setup for The Great Awakening of False Christian Nationalism in 2024, with Trump in the presidency seat:
What is happening with The rise of The Great Awakening is very similar to what happened in NAZI Germany when The Weimar Republic experienced hyperinflation, much like America is now. The Weimar Republic was Germany's government from 1919 to 1933, the period after World War I until the rise of Nazi Germany. It was named after the town of Weimar where Germany's new government was formed by a national assembly after Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated. From its uncertain beginnings to a brief season of success and then a devastating depression, the Weimar Republic experienced enough chaos to position Germany for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
And just as Hitler swooped in "to save the day" with his Aryan Mythos of a Third Reich in a thousand year reign of Counterfeit Catholicism and self-worshipping Nationalism, including a "clean up" of what he saw as a vicious form of Jewish Communism, which was contaminating Germany, The Great Awakening is seeking to repeat what Hitler did, using the same anti-Communism, and dare I say, anti-Ashkenazi Jew talking points, which will no doubt end up the same way as Hitler's occult empire, crumbling in its own ashes as The United Nations and World Economic Forum subsumes all the collateral damage into Borg Monster of One World Government. This entire thing could spiral out once again and cycle one more time, or go straight into world collapse in preparation for the appearance of The Antichrist...hard to tell.
1. The red color is The Great Awakening Nationalistic Conservative Party.
2. The blue color is The Great Reset Liberal Communist Party
3. The black "Dark" is The Satanism of The Great Reset Liberal Communist Party
4. The yellow "Light" is New Age False Love and Light of The Great Awakening Nationalistic Conservative Party.
5. The blending of these two bipartisan colors, red and blue, is the "Magick" of The Royal Purple of Freemasonry.
The Persecution of Donald Trump Must Occur in Order to Transform Him Into a Messiah Figure, Soon To Resurrect From his “Political Death” as The False Messiah President in 2024
The Great Awakening and The Great Reset...A Masonic Blend of Dark and Light Magick Paperback Available at Branes and Noble:
The Great Awakening and The Great Reset...A Masonic Blend of Dark and Light Magick eBook Available at Branes and Noble:
Most people cannot fathom that The NWO Deep State and The Luciferian New Age Trump rivalry is nothing more than a Hegelian Dialectic Ritual, engineered to ensnare Atheists, Agnostics, Pantheists, New Agers, Anti-Christians, etc… and imprison their minds. It’s working!
Within conservative Christianity over the last century, Antichrists have multiplied. “The Antichrist” has become a general category available for application to an array of individuals, collectives, and objects as the demonic “other.” Generally, predictions of a tyrant outside the church now dominate the idea of a deceiver within it.
The New World Order/Deep State Liberal Left Hand Path of Masonic Dark Magick VERSUS The Great Awakening Fascist MAGA Nationalism of The False Light Right Hand Path of Masonic White Magick
Donald Trump was given a “Torah Crown” by the Israel Heritage Foundation. Their mission statement is: “To await King David’s descendant, our Mashiach, to rule over the land and bring peace to all nations.”
Donnie Darkened Expounds:
There are many rumors suggesting that Masonic Puppet, Tucker Carlson, will interview Masonic Puppet, Vladimir Putin, while he is in Russia. If he does, Putin will very likely further expose The Globalist Deep State Cabal. This will be, yet another, component of setting the stage for the destruction of Mystery Babylon, who reigns over The Kings of The Earth, which will be dismantled by The Beast and his kings, according to Revelation 17:16 as I often talk about. It's likely that Putin could be counted among the ten kings who will play a significant role in what The New Age calls “The Alliance”, a group of world leaders believed to be tasked with dismantling The New World Order as part of The Great Awakening of Luciferianism. This will be a precursor to the anticipated but deceptive era of “peace and safety,” as mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, which is the real Biblical Beast Kingdom, a counterfeit Kingdom of God. However, this period is expected to be brief, as it will be followed sudden destruction or God's Wrath.
The Elite over-hype these kinds of meetings so that Anti-Christians get ensnared in the low-level Masonic drama of it all. If it’s a mainstream event, broadcast to the world, and you are actually interested in it, consider yourself brainwashed.
Rest assured, if you actually tune into the staged and orchestrated “interview”, both Masonic Puppets, Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin, will be laughing their asses off over your gullibility.
The Satanic World Economic Forums (WEF) has a Young Global Leaders Program, which Cult Leader, Klaus Schwab, brags about. Schwab stated that his Young Global Leaders infiltrate various governments to bring them in line with WEF Goals.
Chief among graduates and affiliates of The Satanic WEF Young Global Leaders Program are Vladmir Putin, Justin Trudeau, Xi Jinping, Donald Trump, and French President Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, etc…
Under the illusion of opposition, they all work together for global governance under The WEF. Tucker Carlson, long ago, was commanded by his Masonic Handlers to play the role of an Anti-World Economic Forum rebel in order to create a Hegelian Dialetic, which will involve pitting actor and WEF Puppet, Putin, against various governmental forces in order to divide and conquer the world even further.
Masonic Puppet, Tucker Carlson, is simply the opposing side in a Hegelian Dialetic. He has always been a shill for CIA Operation Mockingbird propaganda networking.
In order to capture the “rebel researchers,” The Elite need to make heroes out of journalists like Tucker Carlson by turning them into rebels, martyrs, and outcasts, when in reality, they still play for “Team Elite.” All mainstream media is controlled media. Putin is as KGB Agent. Tucker Carlson is a CIA Agent, as Putin referenced. They met for another intelligence operation psyop to herd the masses.
No, Tucker Calson is not doing Putin’s bidding. They both play for same team and are mutually doing the dialectical bidding of their Elite Luciferian Handlers.
Special Address by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation | DAVOS AGENDA 2021:
American presidents are well represented in The Antichrist running. When it comes to accusations of being the Antichrist, usually from the conservative religious right, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama have all been mentioned. Nevertheless, Donald Trump is gaining popularity as a worthy candidate with ethics scholar D. Stephen Long suggesting he represents: “not a single person but a political pattern that repeats itself by taking on power to oppress the poor and the just”. This echoes what Christ did, and not by accident. It is all by design.
Osama bin Laden was a favorite until his death, as was Saddam Hussein. Elon Musk is still in the running, of course, because of the relentless media portrayal of him as a Messiah figure. And naturally, Pope Francis (The White Pope), and The Black Pope are always potential candidates.
American evangelist Jerry Falwell, known for his controversial views on Apartheid, homosexuality, Judaism, Climate Change and the Teletubbies, once said: “The Antichrist will be a world leader, he’ll have supernatural powers”. Hilary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi is are all potential candidates, but weak ones for their lack circumspection, Trumpian oratory charm, in addition to their overall tarnished appeal to the masses. They are not charming enough, but Trump is. And if Trump rescues America from The Deep State, the very same Deep State that is currently persecuting him in connection with possible Mar-A-Lago files, then he emerges as “The Savior”…The False Messiah.
Whatever Trump’s geographical and genealogical background may be, they could lead back to the Gog and Magog areas we see in The Bible. It is not clear at this point. He did restore the temple in Jerusalem, so there is that. And he most definitely is of Kenite Serpent Blood. Additionally, Trump spearheaded the Warp Speed Vaccination program and stands behind Zionism and Climate Change, all things helping him to fulfill an Antichrist position and profile. Also, Trump is 100% New Age, with False Christian undertones, which gives him the aura of The Angel of Light, both appealing to False Christians and New Agers, alike, in his support of The Luciferian False Christian New World religion.
The August 2022 FBI raid on the home of former President Donald Trump, including his safe, according to Trump, has raised eyebrows and questions about what the search could indicate about a possible criminal investigation into the former president and those around him. The raid concerned presidential records that Trump removed from the White House when he left office in January 2021, according to Christina Bobb, an attorney representing Trump. The FBI search warrant authorized agents to seize "presidential records or any possibly classified material," Bobb said in a Tuesday interview on the Dinesh D'Souza podcast. The search took about 10 hours, she added.
With the FBI search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, violent rhetoric and threats of an impending Civil War skyrocketed on social media. Ben Collins, disinformation and extremism expert, was all over traditional cable with dire warnings: “There are a lot of Americans right now who are extraordinarily angry. They believe this is the end. . . that we’re in a full-fledged civil war. . . It is much worse than you can imagine.”
The persecution of Donald Trump, in the same way that Christ was persecuted, must occur in order to transform him into a Messiah figure, soon to Resurrect as The False Messiah President in 2024. From day one, Trump has been persecuted by the liberal media from day one of his presidency, which perfectly sets him up as The Chosen One who will resurrect from his “political death” and save America from The Satanic Deep State. This will make him, if not THE False Messiah, then simply another False Messiah, enroute to The Antichrist. And if he is able to stop all the war that has ignited worldwide, all by design of course, then he will, indeed, become The Antichrist New Age Saviour.
We may indeed be tip toeing through the anti christ tulips with Trump or he may be the final one. There has certainly been enough to make me think this is highly likely, though I also know the enemy loves the ol' bait and switch, so Trump may be the bait for the switch. I still have my eye on Obama. I never underestimate that snake either.
I do believe God will manifest this clearly when clarity is needed.
Your article is great, Gregory. I learned a great deal and have much to think about. There is so much in Operation Mockingbird and its past as well as the present. Of course not all of that can be addressed in a single article and what we are dealing with today in Mockingbird Operations is paramount. Especially in outing Tucker Carlson. People are easily deceived and need help. It's not fair though nothing in this world is. Only God is just.
God Bless.
I don't have quite the 100% doubt yet, but close. I got the info of "Even Jesus was persecuted". (Like Trump is now, but awaiting one more confirmation as the 2nd one which means 100% true. God knows I need two witnesses - before I jump.
But true I am seriously comparing notes and Trump is quite likely to be the A.C. Much to the dismay of the rest of the planet who believe in him. I am not so easily foiled, I am to cynical, disbelieving, and extremely suspicious.