The Entire Globe Model is a Reification Fallacy
Also, with respect to The Back Swan photo, Heliocentrists claim that the optical horizon is the edge of a sphere, while Flat Earthers claim that the optical horizon is simply the optical horizon. By erroneously insinuating and inserting a spherical edge into their optical horizon claim, they have committed a Reification Fallacy.
Reification (also known as concretism, hypostatization, or the fallacy of misplaced concreteness) is a fallacy of ambiguity, when an abstraction (abstract belief or hypothetical construct) is treated as if it were a concrete real event or physical entity. In other words, it is the error of treating something that is not concrete, such as an idea, as a concrete thing. A common case of reification is the confusion of a model with reality: “the map is not the territory”.
The Heliocentrist Reification Jump
By committing a Reification Fallacy, The Heliocentrist confuses the descriptions of phenomena with what their causes may be. In doing so, The Heliocentrist jumps to unsupported conclusions regarding the phenomena he observes. He ascribes antecedent causes to phenomena than he cannot support with empirical evidence.
Newton’s Equations, Gravimeter, and Ring Laser Gyroscope Measurements are Merely Descriptive and They Are NOT Reality: Another Example of Reification Fallacy in Heliocentrists:
Newton's equations are NOT connected to an imaginary core of an imaginary ball Earth. Newton's equations are simply descriptive tools and very handy, but that's it. They do not explain the REASON for directional vectors, but rather they merely DESCRIBE and PREDICT behavior, nothing more.
Newton’s equations are still useful to describe and calculate motion but not because Gravity is a real force. They are useful because they are descriptive mathematics which are sufficient in describing the way in which object density acts within various mediums, a concept that Michael Toon evidently does not have the mental aptitude to apprehend.
Descriptions Do Not Equal Causes:
Newton’s Gravitational Attraction equation is a type of descriptive mathematics, not a causal antecedent proof of Gravity. It is used to describe physical behavior, but it does not prove the existence of Gravity. Whether it applies to Earthbound objects has yet to be demonstrated. And as far as its application in Outer Space between “Planets” goes, well…Outer Space has not yet been demonstrated to exist, and so, it is a moot point that does not apply to the current Celestial situation.
Mathematics merely reflects a mechanistic process, deducing theorems from initial assumptions, and always following clear logical steps. To the Formalist, mathematics is not an abstract representation of reality, but is more like a game with clearly defined rules but no deep underlying meaning or accurate description of reality, itself.
For example, you can use mathematics to create a computer simulation with laws that align with whatever mathematical equations you have computed for your simulation, and it may all work perfectly for your simulation. But that does not mean that your mathematics reflect the real world that we all inhabit, apart from your gaming simulation.
Likewise, The Heliocentric Model is a mental construct that nobody has ever seen. CGI images of The Earth from alleged Outer Space coming from Masonic NASA, obviously, do not apply. And so, The Heliocentric Model is likened to a gaming simulation that mathematicians, such as Sir Issac Newton, have invented mathematical equations for in order to express various laws, mechanism, and principle in their imagined model. What they have done is take any Enclosed Cosmological descriptions, cartographic delineations, and data points and, using perfected mathematics, they have reverse engineered all of it to support the Heliocentric simulation that they have invented in their heads.