The Difference Between Unfalsifiable and Falsifiable Claims With Respect To Ontological Cosmology and Speculations
Unfalsifiable Claim Definition
“Confidently asserting that a theory or hypothesis is true or false even though the theory or hypothesis cannot possibly be contradicted by an observation or the outcome of any physical experiment, usually without strong evidence or good reasons. Making unfalsifiable claims is a way to leave the realm of rational discourse, since unfalsifiable claims are often faith-based, and not founded on evidence and reason.”
Ontological Cosmology
“The branch of Metaphysics that addresses the nature or essential characteristics of being and of things that exist, and with respect to The Cosmos, the study of the physical universe, its structure, dynamics, origin and evolution, and fate.”
Empirical Science Definition
“Empirical evidence for a proposition is evidence, i.e. what supports or counters this proposition, that is constituted by or accessible to sense experience or experimental procedure. Empirical evidence is of central importance to the sciences and plays a role in various other fields, like Epistemology and law.”
Three Unfalsifiable Claims in Ontological Cosmology:
1. The Cosmos has always been existence and had no Creator. (The Big Bounce Theory)
2. The Cosmos had a beginning called The Big Bang with no evidence of a Creator.
3. The Cosmos was created by a Creator at The Big Bang.
One Falsifiable Claim of Empirical Science:
1. The Earth exhibits zero axio-rotation nor any curvature from any altitude.
Ontological Speculations
Asserting that something is billions of light years away and then proceeding to concoct stories regarding such unproven assertions, falls within the boundaries of Ontological speculation, and is not part of Empirical Science. Similarly, to make up a story about what is happening in the inside of some distant luminary above you also falls within the boundaries of Ontological speculation, and is an entirely unfalsifiable claim since nobody can either confirm nor deny something that is that far beyond the purview of all legitimate human analysis.
Also, asserting one knows for a fact that there was Creator or what the origins of The Cosmos may be is beyond the bounds of Empirical Science, and actually falls within the boundaries of Ontological Cosmology, which is a branch of Philosophy, and hence, must be regarded as theoretical speculation.