Because it’s logical to assume that there is a quasi-vitreous, molten and glassy nature to The Firmament, which would imbue The Firmament with a wide array of mirror-like optical qualities when viewed from the surface of The Earth, including reflection and the inversion of celestial phenomena, in the same way phenomena is inverted when viewed through a mirror, any claims about the movement of The Sun, The Moon, and/or The Stars from any point of observation on The Earth, can, at best, only relate to the APPARENT position and motion of celestial events. In other words, we never truly see the position or motion of any celestial events. At best, we can only see where they are APPARENTLY, never truly knowing their ACTUAL position due to the “Hall of Mirrors” that a Firmament and atmosphere would create in the realm called Earth.
The same optical principles that apply to The Sun’s APPPARENT position and motion as viewed from The Antarctic Ice Wall apply to The Stars, and whether they appear to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. Depending upon which latitude you are viewing them from, in addition to where you are facing, The Stars will appear to rotate one way or another. Facing North, Stars appear to rotate counter-clockwise (right to left). Facing South, Stars appear to rotate clockwise (left to right). And Stars appear to rotate counterclockwise around the North Celestial Pole, and Stars appear to rotate clockwise when viewed from The Antarctic Shelf, again, due to the aforementioned optical principles.
It is crucial to realize that "Outer Space", and all that is purported to exist beyond the known uppermost layer of The Earth's atmosphere, is really an occult metaphor for esoteric spiritual concepts. In essence, Outer Space, with its alleged cosmic events and forces, is merely an occult religion. These cosmic events and forces do not, in fact, exist in the real physical world. Contrary to popular belief, NASA has never seen anything beyond The Firmament, also referred to as "The Van Allen Radiation Belts", any more than George Lucas has. In fact, they BOTH have used Green Screen technologies to achieve the same illusion of Outer Space for the continued amusement and indoctrination of the masses into an occult, Jesuit Vatican designed religion called, "Astrophysics", where Heliocentrism is merely a form of Pagan Sun worship. This book explores all these issues in Enclosed Cosmology, and more, in great depth.
Ancient occult Hermetic and Egyptian Doctrine has been repackaged by Hollywood and NASA as Outer Space propaganda and sold to us in the guise of science fiction films.
The Flat Earth Trilogy Book of Secrets III:
All of these appearances are, again, the result of optical effects caused by a crystalline and reflective Firmament, which direction you’re facing and from which latitude, in addition to various atmospheric refractory indexes, among other variables, some known, and some yet unknown. Subsequently, we see The APPARENT rotation of The Stars. We see what this Hall of Mirrors we live in creates for us to see, but we do not see ACTUAL celestial events of motion. We can’t from our perspective on Earth. We each live under an individual “dome of perspective,” and with it, we live with optical resolution limitations because the human eye can only see so far, either alone or aided by a telescope, especially when looking horizontally through The Earth’s atmosphere.
Hence, when you gaze up at The Stars, you are seeing their APPARENT positions and motions as is created by having a personal “dome” of angular resolution limitations around and above you. Subsequently, celestial events are “bent down” and compressed around you, giving the appearance of an outdoor Sky Planetarium due to this optical illusion.
But in reality, The Stars stretch out for thousands and thousands of miles above you, but you can only see a tiny patch of this vast expanse (the vast expanse being The Firmament) from your “dome of perspective”, again, due to optical compression, which is to say, the horizon and vast expanse above and around you are compressed down to your ground position in a kind of personal “dome of perspective”, each person existing in their own private, and personal mini-visual dome due to the angular resolution limitations of the human eye.
Your Personal “Dome of Perspective” Only Allows You to See so Far Around and Above You:
As result, we see EFFECTS, not causes…a celestial light show, but never the ACTUAL real source of the show. The Firmament is bending, reflecting, and altering what we see, depending upon our ground potion location, and atmospheric density, alone, limits our ability to see further. Even Infrared technology cannot cut through all The Earth’s atmosphere. And besides, each person’s “dome of perceptive” only reaches a certain distance and then the angular compression of our field of view diminishes to a pinpoint, much like how railroad tracks appear to meet in the distance. They don’t, but we experience the optical illusion that they do. This same principle applies to how far we can see across the plane of The Earth from our particular ground position.