Flying Against The Earth’s Alleged Spin: Curved Airplane Windows and Why Flight Demonstrates a Flat Non-Rotating Earth and The Greatest Laser Experiments in History by FECORE Using a Blue Laser
High Altitude National Weather Agency Balloon Footage From 121,000 Feet. Without a Fish Eye Lens or Curved Airplane Window, The Earth is Flat:
From any altitude, The Earth is Flat as far as the eye or any telescope can see:
In The Following Picture, a Commercial Aircraft Flies at Approximately 38,000 Feet and Exhibits Considerable Earth Curvature. Like Most Commercial Aircraft, it’s Windows Are Rounded to Create The Illusion of Curvature. I Am Not Necessarily Saying That The Airline Industry is Maliciously Trying To Trick its Passengers, But Just That its a Provable Fact That They Frequently Employ Curved Windows Into Their Window Design Architecture:
Photographic Footage From an Airliner WITHOUT a Curved Window, Taking a Photo of Another Plane at 38,000 Feet, Reveals Zero Curvature to The Earth. Compare With Above Photo:
Photographic Footage From Airliner WITHOUT Curved Window at 38,000 Feet Reveals Zero Curvature to The Earth. A Red Line Has Been Draw To Exhibit The Horizon Line:
Curved Airliner Window Slightly Contorts and Curves the Earth’s Horizon Line:
NASA Does Great Job at Lying With Photoshop and CGI:
Earth's Curvature Visible from your Airplane Window?:
Best of High Altitude Balloons [ Widescreen HQ ] Enter the FLAT LEVEL:
Actual Non-NASA Photos Reveal That The Earth is Flat From Every Altitude:
Awaken on the Plane Earth:
Awaken 2 Flat Reality:
Government funded, Austrian military pawn, Felix Baumgartner, is an Austrian skydiver, daredevil, and BASE jumper. He is best known for jumping to Earth from a helium balloon from the stratosphere on 14 October 2012 and landing in New Mexico, United States as part of the Red Bull Stratos project. Doing so, he set world records for skydiving an estimated 39 km (24 miles), reaching an estimated top speed of 1,357.64 km/h (843.6 mph), or Mach 1.25.
Felix Baumgartner’s Famous Red Bull Jump Clearly Uses A Fish-Eye Lens Which Greatly Distorts What You Would Actually See. The Jump Was Over New Mexico, United States. Notice in The Following Photo How New Mexico is Curved Below Him, Which Would Mean That New Mexico is Approximately The Circumference of The Earth at 24,850 Miles Around…Sound Correct???
Meanwhile, International Weather Balloon Footage Show That The Earth is Flat at 121,000 Feet (22.92 Miles):
Government Agency, Google, Shows Computer Simulations of The Earth That Contradict Real Photos of The Earth:
1946 Camera Footage of The Earth at 65 Miles High, With a 720 Mile Swath of Horizon Line. Compare With Google Earth Computer Simulation:
Fantasy World:
Bottom of NASA Document Admits Their Flight Research Assumes a Flat Non-Rotating Earth:
CIA Flight Training Intelligence Document Assumes a Flat Non-Rotating Earth. The Document Even Mentions The Firmament of The Flat Earth From Genesis:
The Greatest Laser Experiments in History by FECORE Using a Blue Laser:
A blue laser is a laser that emits electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 360 and 480 nanometers, which the human eye sees as blue or violet. Blue beams are produced by helium-cadmium gas lasers at 441.6 nm, and argon-ion lasers at 458 and 488 nm. Semiconductor lasers with blue beams are typically based on gallium(III) nitride (GaN; violet color) or indium gallium nitride (often true blue in color, but also able to produce other colors). Both blue and violet lasers can also be constructed using frequency-doubling of infrared laser wavelengths from diode lasers or diode-pumped solid-state lasers.
Several experiments were performed using a Blue Laser, resulting in the greatest and most sophisticated laser experiment in history performed by FECORE, demonstrating the flat Topography of The Earth. In the following video, FECORE will show how this historic laser experiment was performed. Ambient air pressure, humidity, refraction indexes, laser position and altitude, target height, sea level quotient, point of tangency, hidden areas, WGS mathematical constructs based upon the Heliocentric geoid model, and alleged spherical convexity were considered as experimental variables.
In one experiment, 98% of the target’s hidden height was visible, which should have been concealed if the Earth was, indeed, spherical. Accounting for the index of refraction on the exact time of the measurement, the laser beam was refracted by a measurement of 0.6 millimeters, which cannot explain for the degree of visibility of the target in accordance with known WGS mathematical constructs. The observer should not have seen the laser at any height below 89.3 meters or 293 feet, but the beam was recorded from a height of 1.5 meters or 4.92 feet.
Lunar Gravitation Influence:
Additionally, the Moon's alleged gravitational pull on the Earth was considered and found to have no significant effect upon the experimental results. The Moon's alleged gravitational pull on the Earth is said to be the main cause of the rise and fall of ocean tides. The Moon's gravitational pull is said to cause two bulges of water on the Earth's ocean, one where ocean waters face the Moon and the pull is strongest, and one where ocean waters face away from the Moon and the pull is weakest. If such were the case, the experimental results would have shown the target to have even more visible obscuration, which it did not. Additionally, Lake Balatan and Lak Ijssel, where two of the experiments was performed, are not oceans, and cannot be said to be effected as an ocean is. Even so, if the Moon was to be attributed for any rise in water convexity, the experimental results would have revealed far less target visibility than was recorded, which did not occur, resulting in the conclusion that Lunar gravitational influence had zero influence upon the experimental results.
The results of the seven TLT measurements ( TLT measurements include a two-beam laser triangulation for measuring the position of a moving object) indicate that these two lakes do not conform with the WGS 84 mathematical construct, and that they lack the predicted convexity of The Heliocentric model. Additionally, the testing results agree with the analysis of air sources. In summary, the testing results of the lake surfaces were plus or minus 0.2 meters and the relative accuracy was within one percent. Hence, the TLT measurements met the accuracy of the experimental design requirements and provided a definite deliverable output.
WGS 84 Coordinate System:
Definition of the WGS 84 coordinate system The World Geodetic System - 1984 (WGS 84) coordinate system is a Conventional Terrestrial System (CTS), realized by modifying the Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS), or TRANSIT, Doppler Reference Frame (NSWC 9Z-2) in origin and scale, and rotating it to bring its reference meridian into coincidence with the Bureau International de l’Heure (BIH)- defined zero meridian.
Origin and axes of the WGS 84 coordinate system are defined as following:
Origin = Earth’s Center of Mass
· Z-Axis = The direction of the Conventional Terrestrial Pole (CTP) for polar motion, as defined by BIH on the basis of the coordinates adopted for the BIH stations.
· X-Axis = Intersection of the WGS 84 reference meridian plane and the plane of the CTP’s equator, the reference meridian being the zero meridian defined by the BIH on the basis of the coordinates adopted for the BIH stations.
· Y-Axis = Completes a right-handed, Earth Centered, Earth Fixed (ECEF) orthogonal coordinate system, measured in the plane of the CTP equator, 90° East of the x-axis.
Moving Right Along…
Why Flight Demonstrates a Flat Non-Rotating Earth:
You should cover more ground and faster when you fly AGAINST Earth's alleged spin than when you fly WITH it because the ground is moving towards you at 1000 mph. You are not locked in the Earth's atmosphere. You are flying independent of it and relative to the ground when you take flight. Otherwise you would never be able to get anywhere in the Earth's atmosphere had you been locked into it as the Earth spun. You need to act independent of the Earth's alleged spin to travel relative to this spin. But, then you would take drastically different times to travel the same distance because of that 1000 mph spin acting beneath you. However this is not the case. This is not what we observe from a non-inertial frame of reference. And because we don’t observe this, it supports the claim that the axio-rotation of the Earth is not a variable in our equation.
Science says the Earth and its attached atmospheric “cocoon” are spinning at approximately 1000 miles per hour. If this were so, an airplane flying in the direction of the Earth’s spin may fly 200 mph and cover 200 miles in one hour. But that same airplane, if it were to fly against the spin of the Earth, would cover 200 miles PLUS the rate of the Earth’s spin at 1000 mph, amounting to a whopping 1,200 miles of flight distance in one hour. Does this actually happen? Of course not. It takes approximately one hour to fly an airplane at 200 mph in either direction of Earth’s spin, even when factoring in wind patterns, Jetstream, headwind, tailwind, etc...
National Weather Balloon Footage from 180,000 Feet High:
At 62 Miles High is the Kármán Line:
A common definition of space is known as the Kármán Line, an imaginary boundary 100 kilometers (62 miles) above mean sea level. In theory, once this 100 km line is crossed, the atmosphere becomes too thin to provide enough lift for conventional aircraft to maintain flight.
In Summary
In summary, in order to achieve equitable flight times, you would always need to be flying significantly slower when flying AGAINST Earth's alleged spin than when you fly WITH it because the ground is moving at 1000 mph. But this is never taken into consideration because pilots fly on a flat plane, with some admitting it, and many not.
Ok, but what about inertial frames of reference, non-inertial frames of reference, flight acceleration, diagonal flight trajectories, and aerodynamic drag? This is where the situation gets more complex.
Inertial Frame of Reference
In classical physics and Special Relativity, an inertial frame of reference is a frame of reference that is not undergoing acceleration. In an inertial frame of reference, a physical object with zero net force acting on it moves with a constant velocity (which might be zero)—or, equivalently, it is a frame of reference in which Newton's first law of motion holds. An inertial frame of reference can be defined in analytical terms as a frame of reference that describes time and space homogeneously, isotropically, and in a time-independent manner. Conceptually, the physics of a system in an inertial frame have no causes external to the system. An inertial frame of reference may also be called an inertial reference frame, inertial frame, Galilean reference frame, or inertial space. Hence, with respect to an inertial frame, an object or body accelerates only when a physical force is applied, and (following Newton's First Law of Motion), in the absence of a net force, a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will continue to move uniformly—that is, in a straight line and at constant speed.
Non-Inertial Frame of Reference
We can define a non-inertial frame as a frame that is accelerated with respect to the assumed inertial frame of reference. Newton’s law will not hold true in these frames. For instance, if I assume Earth to be an inertial reference frame, the Moon becomes a non-inertial reference frame as it is in accelerated motion with respect to Earth. Thus, non-inertial reference frame is a frame of reference that undergoes acceleration with respect to an inertial frame. An accelerometer at rest in a non-inertial frame will, in general, detect a non-zero acceleration. While the laws of motion are the same in all inertial frames, in non-inertial frames, they vary from frame to frame depending on the acceleration.
In an Accelerating Aircraft in an Inertial Or Non-Inertial Frame?
Observations in an accelerated frame will not conform with Newton’s First Law. Newton’s First Law is essentially a statement about the principle of inertia, and an object experiencing zero net force will travel with a constant velocity. You can measure both of these independently. So if you observe an object experiencing zero net force, and yet it does not move at a constant velocity, then you are not in an inertial frame. Now think about a moving object that is obeying the inertia principle as seen from an inertial frame.
Will you see it doing this in the accelerated frame? Because of you are accelerating, the object’s velocity relative to you is increasing. So from your point of view, it is accelerating, and not obeying the inertia principle at all. You see no force acting on it, and yet it is speeding up. Incidentally, certain “forces” that are spoken about in rotating frames don’t exist. A rotating frame is not inertial since it must experience an acceleration toward a central point, as in the spherical vectors of gravitational geometry, or at least as a component in that direction. The deviations from inertial motion that are observed in a rotating frame are often attributed to “Centrifugal Force” and “Coriolis force.”, which adds even more complexity to the derivations of flight trajectories and times, in addition to wind patterns, Jetstream, headwind, tailwind, etc... And yet, flight times remain relatively constant regardless of which direction of flight travel, which again, supports the idea of a non-rotating Earth.
Diagonal Flight Trajectories
And it gets even more complicated when your factor into your flight South East, South West, North East, or North West trajectories. In these situations you are traveling diagonally against the 1000 mph spinning Earth within the alleged cocoon of Earth atmosphere, which is supposed to be attached to the Earth, and therefore, carrying you along in its inertial frame. If this were the case, all flights would be different depending upon which diagonal trajectory you took, and contingent upon your acceleration and/or constant velocity.
Aerodynamic Drag Coefficient
Considering these inertial frames of reference, the aerodynamic drag coefficient that you would experience by flying within and against or diagonal to a rotating blanket of atmosphere traveling at 1000 mph would be terrific, noticeable, and significantly effect your flight time. In aerodynamics, drag refers to forces that oppose the relative motion of an object through the air. Drag always opposes the motion of the object and, in an aircraft, is overcome by thrust. In other words, you cannot assert that the Earth’s atmosphere is spinning with the Earth, and at the same time, assert that you would experience no extra drag as you flew against this spinning blanket of atmosphere. You would notice, and it would severely affect your flight time.
Lastly, if a thousand mph atmosphere is constantly flowing Eastward, how do you explain the casual yet unpredictable movement of clouds, wind patterns and weather formations which flow every which way? If the atmosphere is constantly being pulled along with the Earth’s rotation, then why can I feel the slightest Westward breeze, which is theoretically in opposition to this 1000 mph rotating mass of atmosphere, but not the Earth’s 1000 mile per hour Eastward spin? In other words, if a tiny breeze can internally oppose this homogenously isotropic atmospheric rotation, in spite of its trillions of tons of mass and inertia, then there literally is no homogenously isotropic atmosphere in rotation. In other words, it is not rotating. It is simply inert with internal weather patterns, exactly as all empirical observations confirm using both optical and instrumental interferometer data.
Government Documents And Scientific Technical Manuals That Admit The Earth is Flat And Non-Rotating
In short, the mountains of contradictory complexities that The Heliocentric model injects into aircraft flight patterns point to its absurdity. Occam’s Razor says the simplest answer tends to be the correct answer. And there is nothing simpler than the idea of flight occurring over a flat non-rotating plane, with valleys and mountainous Topography, exactly as the US Military has stated in their flight mechanics training. Pastor Dean Odle addressed the mountains of government documents and scientific technical manuals that admit the Earth is flat and non-rotating, exactly like the Bible has always said. CIA, Army, Airforce, Navy, NASA, and Russian documents admit the Earth is flat. Links to many of the military documents have been deleted. I wonder why? Nevertheless, many researchers have downloaded them and they are archived.
The United States Army Assumes a Flat Non-Rotating Earth in Their Flight Training:
Spherical Trigonometry of a Sphere With 3959 Miles Radius Done With AutoCAD With 15 Digit Precision:
Government Documents Admit Flat Non-Rotating Earth by Pastor Dean Odle:
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies 2018 Documentary: