Childhoods’ End: The Coming Demonic Tyranny Masquerading as Alien Contact and the End of Autonomous Personal Identity
Childhood's End is a 1953 science fiction novel by the British Freemason, Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasion of the Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival begins decades of apparent utopia under indirect alien rule, at the cost of human identity and culture.
And all of it is demonic, rooted in occult Pantheistic doctrine, the preposterous presumption of a Heliocentric Earth, and the fantasy of Outer Space.
In the book, The Overlords are interested in psychic research, which humans suppose is part of their anthropological study. Rupert Boyce, a prolific book collector on the subject, allows one Overlord, Rashaverak, to study these books at his home. To impress his friends with Rashaverak's presence, Boyce holds a party, during which he makes use of a Ouija board. Jan Rodricks, an astrophysicist and Rupert's brother-in-law, asks the identity of the Overlords' home star. The Ouija board reveals a number which Jan recognizes as a star-catalog number and learns that it is consistent with the direction in which Overlord supply ships appear and disappear. Jan stows away on an Overlord supply ship and travels 40 light years to their home planet.
Well over a century after the Overlords' arrival, human children, beginning with the Greggsons', begin to display clairvoyance and telekinetic powers. Karellen reveals the Overlords' purpose: they serve the Overmind, a vast cosmic intelligence, as a kind of "bridge species", fostering other races' eventual union with it.
As Rashaverak explains, the time of humanity as a race composed of single individuals with a concrete identity is coming to an end. The children's minds reach into each other and merge into a single vast group consciousness. For the transformed children's safety, they are segregated on a continent of their own. No more human children are born and many parents die or commit suicide. When Jan Rodricks returns to Earth, he finds an unexpectedly altered planet. Humanity has effectively become extinct and he is now the last man alive.
Some Overlords remain on Earth to study the children from a safe distance. When the evolved children mentally alter The Moon's rotation and make other planetary manipulations, it becomes too dangerous to remain. The departing Overlords offer to take Rodricks with them, but he chooses to stay to witness Earth's end and transmit a report of what he sees.
Sky Watch TV:
As the story continues, the children on Earth—set free from outdated Abrahamic religions such as Christianity—begin displaying powerful psychic abilities, foreshadowing their evolution into a cosmic consciousness, a transcendent form of life. Indeed, this is the end of the human species as it was known as everyone merges into a cosmic intelligence called the Overmind.
Now, those familiar with eastern religions will recognize Clarke’s narrative as a clever ET version of Pantheistic Monism (the view that there is only one kind of ultimate substance). In fact, nearly all New Age, spiritualist, and occult traditions have comparable monistic dogma but how many are aware that Pope Benedict XVI’s end-times views reflect a similar tone. This may not come as a surprise to those Catholics familiar with Father Malachi Martin’s warnings in his book, The Jesuits, which documented how priests like Pierre Teilhard de Chardin deeply influenced the Catholic Church and its academia toward occultism this century. In particular it was his connection with monistic occultism and what is called the “Omega Point” that started the Rome us through the alien-deity rabbit hole. According to Chardin, in his The Future of Man (1950), the universe is currently evolving towards higher levels of material complexity and consciousness and ultimately will reach its goal, which he called the Omega Point. Chardin postulated that this is the supreme aspiration of complexity and consciousness, an idea also roughly equivalent to the “Technological Singularity” as expressed in the writings of transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil. In fact as I’ve pointed out in a couple of my books on transhumanism, one finds a remarkable coalescence of all non-Christian systems under the banner of Singularity, Monism, Omega Point, and Overmind. Yet, like the nebulous “Christ consciousness” advocated by occultists, Chardin’s writings are easily misunderstood because he not only created new vocabulary for his Darwinian religion, he also redefined biblical terminology to mean something alien to its original intent. For instance, when Chardin writes about “Christ,” he usually does not mean Jesus of Nazareth. Instead, he is describing the Ultra-Man, the all-encompassing end of evolution at the Omega Point. As an example, consider when Jesus said, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). Chardin exegetes this as, “I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill Evolution.”[iii] To most Christians, this probably seems overtly heretical, but its infiltration into Roman Catholic thought and the dangerous Alien-Christ implications it brings with it has infiltrated the highest levels at Rome—including the papacy.
Unbeknownst to most Roman Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI is a Chardinian mystic of the highest order. The pope’s book, Credo for Today: What Christians Believe (2009), follows the lead of the Jesuit and states unequivocally that a belief in Creationism (the idea that life, the Earth, and the universe as we know it today did not “evolve” but rather were created by the God of the Bible) “contradicts the idea of evolution and [is] untenable today.” Following his rejection of Creationism and support of evolution, Pope Benedict used the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ to advance Chardin’s “Omega Point,” in which a “new kind” of God, man, and mind will emerge.
From page 113 of his book we read:
From this perspective the belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ and in the consummation of the world in that event could be explained as the conviction that our history is advancing to an “omega” point, at which it will become finally and unmistakably clear that the element of stability that seems to us to be the supporting ground of reality, so to speak, is not mere unconscious matter; that, on the contrary, the real, firm ground is mind. Mind holds being together, gives it reality, indeed is reality: it is not from below but from above that being receives its capacity to subsist. That there is such a thing as this process of ‘complexification’ of material being through spirit, and from the latter its concentration into a new kind of unity can already be seen in the remodeling of the world through technology.
The term “complexification’ was coined by Chardin (and the technological allusions it suggests is akin to transhumanism and Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity) and the pope’s complete devotion to this theology is again laid bare in his book, Principles of Catholic Theology (1987), which states:
The impetus given by Teilhard de Chardin exerted a wide influence. With daring vision it incorporated the historical movement of Christianity into the great cosmic process of evolution from Alpha to Omega: since the Noogenesis, since the formation of consciousness in the event by which man became man, this process of evolution has continued to unfold as the building of the noosphere above the biosphere.
This “noosphere” the Pope mentions is taken very seriously today in modernist Catholic theology, academia, and even science.
It is explained in the scientific journal, Encyclopedia of Paleontology, this way:
Teilhard coined the concept of the “noosphere,” the new “thinking layer” or membrane on the Earth’s surface, superposed on the living layer (biosphere) and the lifeless layer of inorganic matter (lithosphere). Obeying the “law of complexification/conscience,” the entire universe undergoes a process of “convergent integration” and tends to a final state of concentration, the “point Omega” where the noosphere will be intensely unified and will have achieved a “hyperpersonal” organization. Teilhard equates this future hyperpersonal psychological organization with an emergent divinity [a future new form of God].
The newly sanctioned doctrine of an approaching “emergent divinity” in place of the literal return of Jesus Christ isn’t even that much of a secret any longer among Catholic priests (though the cryptic Charindian lingo masks it from the uninitiated).
For instance, in his July 24, 2009, homily in the Cathedral of Aosta while commenting on Romans 12:1–2, the Pope Benedict said:
The role of the priesthood is to consecrate the world so that it may become a living host, a liturgy: so that the liturgy may not be something alongside the reality of the world, but that the world itself shall become a living host, a liturgy. This is also the great vision of Teilhard de Chardin: in the end we shall achieve a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host.
This is overtly pantheistic and, of course, the text he was discussing (Romans 12) teaches the exact opposite: “Be not conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2a). While the pope thus aggressively promotes Chardin’s process of “Noogenesis” in which the cosmos comes alive and everyone unifies as a “living host,” one can readily see that Overmind and Singularity are roughly equivalent to this monistic concept. Interestingly, Noogenesis actually has two uses: one in Chardin’s Darwinian pantheism—and another, more telling rendering—within modern astrobiology.
In Cardin’s system, Noogenesis is the fourth of five stages of evolution, representing the emergence and evolution of mind. This is the stage we are said to be in currently, and as Noogenesis progresses, so does the formation of the noosphere, which is the collective sphere of human thought. In fact, many Chardinians believe that the World Wide Web is an infrastructure of noosphere, an idea intersecting well with transhumanist thought. Chardin wrote, “We have as yet no idea of the possible magnitude of “Noospheric” effects. We are confronted with human vibrations resounding by the million––a whole layer of consciousness exerting simultaneous pressure upon the future and the collected and hoarded produce of a million years of thought.”
However, this concept gets more translucent in astrobiology, where scientists have adopted Noogenesis as the scientific term denoting the origin of technological civilizations capable of communicating with humans and traveling to Earth—in other words, the basis for extraterrestrial contact.[x] Consequently, among many if not most of Rome’s astronomers and theologians, there is the widespread belief that the arrival of “alien deities” will promote our long-sought spiritual Noogenesis, and according to a leading social psychologist, the world’s masses are ready for such a visitation and will receive them (or him) as a messiah. This is further reflected in a recent United Kingdom poll, which indicated that more people nowadays believe in extraterrestrials than in God.[xii] Consequently, whether or not it is the ultimate expression, the noogenic “strong delusion” is already developing.
While I’m not suggesting a direct equivocation per se, the conceptual intersection between the two uses of Noogenesis (the occultic and Astrobiological) is thought provoking, especially in light of Clarke’s scenario in Childhood’s End, where Noogenesis in the Astrobiological application (the arrival of the alien Overlords) was the impetus for evolution toward the Overmind and dissolution of humanity. It seems Rome has connected these dots for us. In his sanctioned treatise for the church, Father Kenneth J. Delano linked the concept of maximum consciousness and alien contact, truly Noogenesis in both senses of the word:
For man to take his proper place as a citizen of the universe, he must transcend the narrow-mindedness of his earthly provincialism and be prepared to graciously accept the inhabitants of other worlds as equals or even superiors.
At this point in human history, our expansion into space is the necessary means by which we are to develop our intellectual faculties to the utmost and, perhaps in cooperation with ETI, achieve the maximum consciousness of which St. Thomas Aquinas wrote in Summa Theologica:
“This is the earthly goal of man: to evolve his intellectual powers to their fullest, to arrive at the maximum of consciousness, to open the eyes of his understanding upon all things so that upon the tablet of his soul the order of the whole universe and all its parts may be enrolled.”
The Final Countdown: Project Bluebeam and Stages To The Exo Vaticana Antichrist Beast System
Note: The videos in this post on Project Blue Beam were not necessarily made by Flat Earthers. That's should be understood.
KILLER ALIENS?! UFO Whistleblower: Humans Have Been MURDERED By 'Non-Human Intelligences':
Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R. And the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior by Thomas Horn and Chris Putnam:
“Pope Benedict XVI has resigned as Pope, just like the authors predicted he would do in their 2012 best-seller Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here. Since then Tom Horn and Chris Putnam have been inundated with invitations from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media. These included segments in The History Channel's "Countdown to Apocalypse," a special feature on Canada's largest Christian channel VisionTV titled "I Prophesy: The Apocalypse Series," invitations to Rome to discuss with Italian media their findings on René Thibaut (a Belgian Jesuit whose meticulous analysis of the Prophecy of the Popes predicted the arrival of Petrus Romanus in this era), and dozens more. But during a show on Omega Man Radio the author's disclosed an "extraterrestrial" connection between Petrus Romanus, the Vatican, and the Mount Graham Observatory, which rocketed that program into the #1 position in the world, illustrating to the authors that modern civilization is more than casually interested not only in the final pope, but in the connection between Rome and their secret work on extraterrestrial intelligence, astrobiology, and the intriguing preparations they are making for the arrival of an alien 'savior.' Thus, the new investigation began and quickly resulted in findings far more disturbing than the authors expected to find”.
Alien Species and their COMING ARRIVAL (2023):
Vatican City Named After an Etruscan Goddess of The Underworld?
By Ama H. Vanniarachchy:
We have all heard of the Vatican City while some of us have visited this holy place. Known to be the centre of Christianity and an utmost sacred place of the Christian world, the name Vatican was first used on 11 February 1929 in the Lateran Treaty. The city was built on Vatican Hill.
However, modern research suggests that the name Vatican does not have a Christian origin. The name has neither Latin nor Greek meaning either. Then what does the Vatican mean?
As many Christian names, celebrations, rituals, and places have a pagan origin, scholars were driven by the same theory while searching for the origin of the Vatican. Hence, there is an argument that the name Vatican has pagan origins.
Still shrouded in mystery, debates, and controversies, as many European pagan beliefs are, the Vatican’s pagan origins also are submerged in darkness.
According to a recent article written by Ellen Lloyd for Ancient Pages, Vatica was the name of an Etruscan goddess of the Underworld. This article and some posts shared on social media have caused much debate among history and archaeology lovers. While some were interested in this novel idea, some questioned the authenticity of the said statement and requested reliable sources. But who is Vatica? Was she actually an Etruscan goddess?
Let us find out.
Where Was the Vatican Built?
The Vatican City was built on the place known as Vatican Hill. It is said that Vatican Hill was on an ancient Etruscan settlement which was called the Vatica or Viaticum. This is mentioned in the New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome written by Richardson.
Pre-Christian Days of the Vatican Hill
Before Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus 28 centuries ago, Italy was occupied by people today known as the Etruscans. They spread across the region of Central Italy which was then known as Etruria. The Etruscan culture and civilization had a notable impact on the later Roman civilization.
The Etruscans had strange beliefs about the dead and the afterlife. They did not cremate the dead. As they believed in an afterlife, they buried their dead within elaborate tombs along with things that they believed would be needed for the afterlife. They also took very good care to preserve the dead bodies as they believed the physical body was important in the journey of the afterlife. These tombs were large and dome shaped. They also gave special attention to building their cemeteries.
To bury the dead, the Etruscans built a large cemetery on the hillside slope which is today known as the area where the Vatican stands and is very close to the modern city of Rome.
Now as these latest social media and web articles claim, the guardian of this large cemetery or necropolis was the Etruscan goddess Vatica or Vatika, who was the goddess of the Underworld.
If these speculations and assumptions are correct, the modern Vatican City was built on an ancient Etruscan necropolis where the guardian goddess of the palace was called Vatica. Hence, Vatican Hill got its name. This is still debatable among scholars.
Who is Vatica?
Much of the ancient Etruscan language is not yet known today. Hence, many aspects of the Etruscan civilization still remain a mystery.
There is a belief that Vatica was an Etruscan goddess associated with the Underworld and that she was the guardian of burial sites of the Etruscans. However, according to reliable sources, Vanth is the Etruscan goddess of the Underworld. She is a winged goddess and she is often depicted bare-chested.
Phersipnai or Phersipnei is also known to be an Etruscan goddess of the Underworld who is considered similar to the Greek goddess Persephone.
Therefore, it is hard to find a reliable source where the name Vatica is mentioned as a goddess of the underworld or associated with death or birth. Thus, the name Vatica and the Vatican Hill still remain a mystery.
Architecting the UFO Alien Hoax:
THE AI Transhuman ALIEN Invasion UPON US (2023):
Whole World On Alert By What's Just EMERGED!:
Why Are UFO's Now Everywhere?:
The PENTAGON Releases Shocking Video of UFO | The Proof Is Out There (Season 3):
Did the United States Make Agreements with Demons? | LED Live • EP200:
Many years ago, in my book Release the Kraken, and then later, in greater detail, Genetic Sin Thesis, I detailed the following situational game pieces on the worldwide gameboard at that time, to be used, singularly or in any combination thereof, until the world is destroyed and Vatican Luciferian New Age is ushered into realization to its fullest:
1) Pandemic Hoax Using a Vaccine Bioweapon2) 5G Radiation in Conjunction with Graphene Oxide
3) Climate Change Hoax Using Weaponized Weather
4) Cyber-attack Hoax Using Alphabet Agencies for intentional power grid decommission
5) Fake Geo-Magnetic Storms, said by NASA to be from solar flare activity, causing mass power grid failure
6) EMP attacks, resulting in mass power grid and communications failures, worldwide, and blamed on cyber-attacks
7) World War Three
8) Fake Asteroid or Comet Impact
9) Alien Disclosure Hoax Using Project Blue Beam Technologies
And now we are approaching stage 9 where an Alien Disclosure Hoax, using Project Blue Beam technologies, may commence, followed by a Fake Alien Invasion, using the hilarious United States Space Force, followed by the announcement of The Fake Alien Messiah.
The Final Card:
Project Blue Beam of Nasa:
The Fake Alien Invasion Threat is Real:
Bluebeam and The Vatican Alien Deception (Demonic Possession Masked as Alien Contact):
New World Order or Complete Hoax: Project Blue Beam:
Project Blue Beam: The Four Steps To Global Domination:
Project Blue Beam Song:
Independence Day Resurgence Movie Alien Invasion Narrative:
Independence Day: Resurgence Movie Clip "Alien Spaceship Lands On Earth" (2016):
Whole World Shocked By What's Just Released (World Alert):
"100% THEY'RE NOT HUMAN" - Stunning UFO Bodycam Footage!!:
Giant UFO in Texas | UFO: Investigating the Unknown:
Update: NWO's Project Blue Beam and the real reasons for Chemtrails!
Europe: The Final Countdown:
Wow, just today I saw a new video from End Time Production on this same movie...
Great minds think alike. My strongest belief is that the analogy is spot on.